Chapter 9 - Reunited

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Killian POV

We had been driving for a few hours in complete silents, which was driving me crazy. "So..? Once there how do you plan on finding Emma?" I asked Leia, while I made sure to pay addiction to the road "I have a friend looking into her for me, he hasn't found any info yet but it's only been a day." She replied "Well I just hope he finds something soon." I say then silent filled the car once again. 

Finally at 8 o'clock at night we arrived in New York at the hotel Liam booked. "Booking for Jones?" He asked the reception, who gladly handed him the room keys and pointed us in the right directions. Opening the door to a simple kitchen and living space with 2 rooms on each side both containing a queen bed. "Liam? didn't you ask for a room with a queen and 2 singles?" I ask him "I thought I did, hold on I'll go call and see if we can get moved." He said heading towards the phone "What's the big deal? Killian and I can just share, not like we haven't before." Leia said nonchalant then taking her bags into one of the room, I just shrugged and followed her and Liam heading to the other. 

"God it's been a long day, I'm ready for sleep!" Leia stated as she quickly changed into a lose top and her favorite comfy shorts of mine. "So that's where they went!?" I playfully say as I also changed but just into a pair of shorts. "Well not like you ever wore them" She said with a laugh "Only because someone else always gets to them before I can." I say joining in laughing with her as we both got comfy under the covers.

August POV - Next Morning

I awoke in a uncomfortable hotel bed, I had got in pretty late last night and just went straight to bed. I looked at the clock it see it was already 9 o'clock. 'Maybe I'll ring Regina' I though as I got up and going to get my phone out of the pocket of yesterday pants. I dialed and she picked up straight away "Hey August, how was your flight?" Something about hearing her made me smile "Hey flight was good. I'm wanted to know when we could catch up?" I said "Well i'm waiting to have coffee with Emma and hoping she will talk to me about her and Killian. But what about we get lunch? And hopefully Emma with join too." Regina said sweetly "Sounds great! I'm off to get breakfast, see you then." I say then hang up and head down to the hotel buffet. 

I was still pretty tired as I walk into the buffet room, not paying addiction a ran right into someone "I'm so sorry!" I said with a nervous laugh before looking up and my jaw dropped to the floor. "Oh it's fine" the women sweetly said then walk off to a table. My eyes followed her closely and before I knew it I had walked over and was standing at he table. "Oh hey again? Can I help you?" She kindly ask, before I could say something 'not that I knew what the hell I was going to say" a voice come from behind me. "August?" I knew that voice to well that deep strong accent, it could only be one person. 

I turn around and I was complete right "Killian!" I shout, he laughed then come and gave me a madly hug. "I thought you moved to LA?" He asked "Yeah I still live there, I'm just visiting a Regina and Emma then heading to see the parents." I say without thinking, I expected to see hurt and sadness in Killian's eye from the thought of Emma, but to my surprise he seemed happy. "Wait you know Emma!" said the women at the table nearly chocking on her food. "Yeah I do? What's going on?" I ask confused "Why don't you take a seat mate it's a pretty long story." Killian said gesturing to the table.

After about 2 hours of taking, Killian had explain everything to do with Leia 'who was the women I ran into' and Emma being sisters, even telling me about how Emma had treated him and by Liam's face Killian had never told him. "Killian why didn't you tell me this before?" Liam asked "I didn't want you to think badly of Emma, she was hurt and acting out." Killian said "That's no excuse for getting violent with you" I say. 

A silents come over a group as I look at the clock "I'm meant to be meeting Regina and maybe Emma for lunch, maybe you want to come?" I kindly ask, they all nod and we head off "What do you mean maybe Emma?" Leia ask as we got into Killian car. "Well seems Regina found out about Killian and Emma but she wouldn't tell her anything. They were going to have coffee this morning when I called and hopefully make up." 

Killian POV 

As we sat and waited I started to get really nervous 'What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she complete hates me?' So many thing were running though my head. I hadn't even relies how Leia was feeling. I push my thoughts away and turn to her placing my hand on her thigh. "It's going to be okay." I sweetly say to her and half saying it to myself. Leia squeezed my hand tight, then she entwined our fingers.

I few moment passed and we notice Regina coming our way, definitely not happy. And following close behind was none other then Emma, I felt my heart sink a little utterly unprepared for seeing her. "Regina please stop! Can't we just talk about this!?" Emma shouted out "You couldn't talk to me yesterday! So why start now! Your meant to be my best friend! But you'd rather open up to that sleaze Jefferson!" Regina retorted as tears fall, August quickly raced to Regina side embracing her in a hug.

Something about seeing Emma had me lose all control, I didn't care about all the pain she had caused me, I just wanted her in my arms. I pull away from Leia and walked towards the two fighting women. "Emma?" I shyly said as tears began to well up inside me. She complete froze, just staring at me as I walk towards her. Without hesitation I wrapped up arms around Emma's waist taking in her sweet scent. Slowly she also wrapped her arms around me bursting into tears. No words were exchanged only the sweet touch on her lips on mine, I knew right then and there that I could never love someone like I loved Emma Swan.  

Author Note - CaptainSwan back together (sort of)! But they are still far from their happy ending! I really hope you guys are enjoy this story, I know it's probably been a little boring. xx   

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