Chapter 17 - Yellow Bug

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Emma POV - 1 months later

Things had been going pretty good the last month. I was living with Killian and Conor, and had even got a job at Granny's Dinner with Ruby. It didn't pay nearly as much as Jefferson's did, but I was happy and Killian said he would be there to support me. Ruby was so happy to have me back, along with Belle and Aurora. I didn't really tell them much about what had happen, they really wanted to know. But knew it was better left it the past. I was really happy to have my girls back.

Regina had gone back to New York and August to LA. They had planned to stay in touch with each other and come visit Storybrooke more. The girls still couldn't believe that Regina and I had been friends 'they would probably die if I told them how close we had really become' but they played nice for my sake.

I loved having my sister around, we had girls night once a week and where constantly texting or sending crazy or silly snap chat's to each other. She and Liam were going really well also, they ended up moving into a apartment together about 2 weeks ago, as Liam was pretty much living with her anyway. 

Someday's were harder then others, everywhere I seem to look something would reminded me of my parents. But today I woke feeling like it was going to be a good day, I happily kissed Killian goodbye and gave Conor a little kiss on his forehead as he slept then heading off to work. 

I was working the morning shift which was only 6 till 12, it was actual my favorite shift as I would still get the whole afternoon to either see my friends or have a little alone time before Killian and Conor come home. Today I decide I was going to surprise Killian with lunch, so once I finished I got some food for work 'Grilled cheese and Onion rings' and head off.

Killian POV 

It was quarter passed 12 and I was finishing up my PE class out on the oval before lunch. As the class was about to head in there was a massive crash sound from the street out front of the school. All the students immediately run towards it and I followed close behind. Coming around the a corner of the big building I stopped dead in my tacks.

I saw none other then Emma's yellow bug smashed up against a pole wedged by another car. My world came crashing down around me, I had just got my Swan back! I couldn't lose her again! Other teachers were coming out and began helping the driver of the other car out. I began fanatically pushing my way through the students running towards the beaten up bug. My heart pounding out of my chest.

I tried preparing myself for the worst, looking at the car I had no idea if she could survive this. I quickly make my way towards the drivers side and my heart seriously felt like it stopped. I saw no one! The car was empty, I let out a massive sigh to relief. "Killian! Is she?" I heard Mrs Blue's worried voice behind me. I go to speak when I hear that beautiful voice screaming out my name.

"KILLIAN, I'm here!" I turn to see pretty much the entire school either outside or looking out the windows and then I see her, my Emma standing in front of the school with Principal Gold. I think my feet moved the fastest they have ever moved before as I ran towards her, lifting her up into a tight embracing hug before crashing my lips on hers in a deep passionate kiss.   

I heard giggle and whistles from the student as Emma lets out a slight moan in my mouth. Gold clears his throat in a attempted get our attention but fails as I'm scared if I let go she will disappear. "Mr Jones!" he half yells in a deep tone. We break away and Emma blushes hard as then student whisper between themselves.

"Sorry Sir," I shyly say, he give a kind understanding nod before addressing the students "Now! Everyone off to lunch with you!" He shouts and they all scramble away, a few of the senior boys giving me thumbs up and shouting out "Mrs Jones! Your the man!" I giggle to myself as Emma blushes even harder if that possible.

"Take the rest of the day off Mr Jones, I will cover your last classes." Gold kindly said I nod thankfully as right now I don't wanna leave Emma's side. As we say goodbye to Gold one of the officers who where now on scene walked over to us "Hey Em, I'd know that bug anywhere" He said with a weak smile, with Emma returned "I'm sorry to say it's a ride off, no way of fixing the old girl I'm sorry." He sadly said 'Ok it's just a car?' I thought but Emma was quite for a moment. "Love you okay? It's just a car? I'll by you another." I sweetly say.

Tears slowly began trickling down her face and the offices spoke "It was her mother's car" He sadly said then giving Emma a little hug and whispering something in her ear before heading back to the scene. "I'm sorry Emma." I quietly a say, she just leans in placing a soft tender kiss on my lips "Can we go home?" She ask, I nod and lead her towards my car in the teacher packing lot.

Emma's cries become louder as we drove home, I hadn't seen her this upset since well the night they passed. That car was her last connection to her parents, then it hit me "Emma? What was that officers name?" I blurt out "Umm John why?" she said tired to stop her cries "No real reason." We pulled up at home, I got out and carried Emma inside placing her on the bed. "I'll be back in a minute okay?" I say, she nods.

Going down stairs I call the police office asking for this John, they give me his cell and I call. "Hello, John speaking." He answer "John! Hey this is Killian Jones, I was with Emma today. Is there any chance of me getting Emma's car?" I ask "No, I'm sorry it's a rid off. Like I said there is no way of fixing her" he said "What if I don't want to fix her? What if I want pacts from her? That car is last thing of her parents." I say "Well I guess so, but you would have to buy her." I kindly say. "Ok sold!" 

I knew exactly what I was going to do, I was going to make sure Emma always had a piece of her family with her. And that I would never lose her again. 

Author Note - I've deiced I won't be making another book to this. I just don't seem to have that many people interested anymore. And truth be told I'm a little over writing this book right now. But i'm definitely going to finish it up. I'm planing on going to 22 Chapter like the first book. So 5 more chapter to go. :)  

P.S If you already haven't, please check out Drunken Desire! xx


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