Chapter 18 -Surprise

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Emma POV 

I slowly wake looking over to see it's already 5 pm. 'I must of fell asleep' I thought then made my way down stairs looking for Killian. "Emma your awake! Come watch a movie with auntie Leia and I?" He sweetly asked pulling me towards the lounge room, where Leia sat reading a magazine.

"Hey sis, Where's Killian?" I ask guessing he must of been out for Leia to randomly be over. "With Liam" she simply said as I sat beside her pulling the magazine away. "Doing?" I asked "Don't know." she said, she was lying "You know! slip!" I say getting a little frustrated as I'm still half asleep "It's a surprise Emma, that's all I'm saying" I nod 'I wonder what it is?' I thought "Emma! Can we watch peter pan?" Conor sweetly ask "Sure kid" He starts it  before coming and cuddling up between Leia and I as we watch.

1 Month Later

I was yet to get any surprises from Killian, the truth was he had been more distant then ever. It felt like every spare minute he had was spent out doing somewhere he wouldn't tell me. He keep saying to trust him but how can I trust him when he comes home nearly every night really late and doesn't even seem interested in sex anymore! Always saying he is to tired, I couldn't help but think the worst. I was sure he was cheating on me but I was trying to put some faith in him.

Leia said we needed a girls night out and I happily agreed 'not like Killian would miss me' I thought. We pulled up to the beautiful little restaurant on the water "I thought we were going to a pub and something?" I say and she just smiled and walked in, I followed close behind. "Oh I forgot my phone in the car, I'll be right back. Table is under my name" She quickly said before heading back to the car. 

I made my way towards the waiter "Reservation from Leia Swan?" I politely say, Leia had changed her name about 2 weeks ago, she really hated for old last name 'no that she ever told any of us what it was' and it also made her feel closer to our parents. "This way" the waiter kindly said leading me to the outside patio that over looked the water and had beautiful lights dangled above. It was the type of place you came to for a date, I'd wished Killian would take me somewhere like this. We had really never had a proper date. 

Leia had was taking her sweet time, so I just sat continuing to check my phone till she finally come back and sat down 'Well who I thought was her' "Hold on just finishing one thing" I say "Alright love" My head shot up, Killian was sitting across from me with a smirk on his face. He wore a simply black suit with a navy vest, looking handsome as ever. "Killian? What are you doing here?" I say a little shocked, he just laughed "What's so funny?" I ask getting a little annoyed "Swan, you really think Leia would take you out here? Sweetheart it was a set up." He said with a big smile. 

"Why didn't you just ask me?" I say a little confused, I've hardly seen him the last month and now he is surprising my with a date? Maybe he is just trying to make me thing he isn't cheating. "I wanted to surprise you, and their is another surprise at home." He sweetly said. I wanted to believe him but was still unsure. "Come on let's just have a good night?" He ask, I reluctantly nod.

Dinner went pretty well, but I could tell he was hiding something. All night he seems nervous, fiddling with his hands, wine and food. By the end of the night he seemed to have calmed a little as we got in his car and headed home. Pulling into the drive way I see something in the front yard covered with a sheet. "Killian what's that?" I ask "Part of your surprise" 

Getting out he leads me towards it before turning so I'm facing him. "Emma, thank you for trusting me the last month. I know that couldn't of been easy, if it had been me I would of thought the worst" 'well I did think the worst' I thought as he continued "But I was doing it all for you, when your car got smash I couldn't imagine you losing the last part of your parents, so the reason I haven't been around the past month and been so tired is this." And with that he pulled the rope reveling a beautiful house sculpture. 

I stood in utter shock as tears began falling to the ground "Is that?" I say nearly in a whisper "Yes, I used parts for your bug, I remembered you once told me that riding calmed you and made all the bad thought in your mind go away

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I stood in utter shock as tears began falling to the ground "Is that?" I say nearly in a whisper "Yes, I used parts for your bug, I remembered you once told me that riding calmed you and made all the bad thought in your mind go away. So I thought that no matter how bad of a day you were having, when you returned home you would be calmed by this." He say before pulling me into his warm embrace. 

"There is one my surprise Emma." He said breaking the embrace. I didn't know if I could handled anymore surprises. And with one swift movement Killian was kneeling in front of me. I was already crying at this point and tried to wipe away the tears. "Swan, I'm not going to give some long winded speech about how I loved you from the minute I saw you. I'm just going to say this, I know things haven't been the easiest for us, and I can't promise that things will always be good. But what I can promise is that I will never stop fighting for us. Emma Swan, Will you marry me?" 

I gave up on wiping the tears as they steamed down my face. Killian Jones was kneeling here asking me to marry him! He slowly pulled the ring out, showing me the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen. I was completely speechless, 'God! Speak Emma!' "Yes!" I shout and without hesitation Killian picked me up spinning me around before placing a deep passionate kiss on my lips. "Here let me swap that" He said taking off my promise ring and replacing it with my new engagement ring. "I love you Killian Jones" I say "And I love you Emma Swan."  

Author Note - What you guys think!? They may finally get their happy ending :)

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Author Note - What you guys think!? They may finally get their happy ending :)

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