three → i actually liked these boots

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( i actually liked these boots )

THUNDERSTORMS OFTEN REMINDED HER of her childhood, particularly of the stories her mother would tell her of how the great god of thunder would party and revel in his victories. When she was young, she would often curl into her siblings' and cousin's embrace, frightened by the loud noises and flashing lights. But this one, it seemed, appeared out of nowhere like magic (she nearly laughed at her analogy).

Aline's gaze hadn't deviated from Loki throughout the entire flight, with her arms crossed over her chest defensively. Hearing that his name was Loki and that he truly was the god her family and her would pray and sacrifice to, Aline's excitement had only grown. She had prayed to the god when she was a child, but now she was older (much, much older than anyone believed), she couldn't believe the man before her. When she was sure that no one would be listening into her conversation, she asked him, "How do you know what I am?"

"It's not difficult to sense the power radiating from you," Loki replied. He leaned forward with that tempting smile of his. "Tell me, what is a powerful creature such as yourself doing, aiding these so-called heroes?"

"You wouldn't understand," Aline replied. "Besides, I think you and I both know that longevity gets pretty boring after a while. Maybe I wanted the company." She gave him a playful wink, to which he made a disgusted face. "What, the god of mischief doesn't like making sexual innuendos? Man, you're boring; I know dead people more exciting than you." She crossed her arms and huffed.

At the sudden bang of thunder and flash of lightning and the Quinjet shaking, both Loki and Aline looked past Natasha and out the window. However, she could instantly feel the sudden sense of uneasiness from the black haired man. Her dark eyes flicked to Loki as Steve spoke. "What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?" Steve teased.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows," Loki responded. He earned a strange look from everyone, but Aline had held in her comment. If this man was truly the Loki of her old legends, then that must mean...

The Quinjet shook once more. Aline stood up, already tensing before Tony had lowered the ramp. She was greeted instantly with cold air from the rain and wind, but was pushed against the wall suddenly. A golden haired man had appeared, walking in and gripping Loki by the throat. The two then jumped out of the Quinjet, with everyone too dumbstruck to move.

"Wait... what the hell just happened?" Aline asked, staring out the ramp. A handsome man with fierce eyes and a hammer at his side... The brunette started to bounce in her spot. "Holy shit, no fu一"

"Now there's that guy," Tony remarked, quick to interrupt Aline's cursing before grabbing his Iron Man helmet.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha asked from the pilot's seat.

"Think the guy's a friendly?" Steve asked.

"Does it matter?" Aline asked and reached to grab a parachute, trying to push down the fact that another god she worshipped was here. God, if her parents and brothers were still here, they'd be so jealous of her. "My job gets a hell of a lot longer if he frees or kills Loki." She adjusts the straps around her body. She started to mutter under her breath as she fiddled with the buckles.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!" Steve called after the billionaire, who was already dressed in his armor.

"I have a plan: attack." Then Tony jumped out of the jet.

Aline nearly cursed at the man. "Hey, wait for me!" She shouted and jumped off of the ramp, not even bothering to hear what Steve or Natasha had said.

The wind roared wildly in her ears and she could barely see a thing. She had wished she had grabbed some goggles. The sudden pressure against her body made her feel a bit uncomfortable, and she saw that the ground was quickly coming closer. Her eyes widened when she saw how close it was and she pulled hard on the cords of her parachute. The parachute suddenly unleashed itself, and Aline bit back a groan as it tugged at her body. She continued falling to the ground, much slower now and when she landed, she made sure her knees were bent. Aline quickly took off her parachute, tossing the thing aside.

She let out a small groan and rolled her neck.

To her left was several clashes, metal slamming against metal, and she instantly sighed. Tony had definitely found the mystery blond man. She started to trudge through the woods, stepping into a large puddle of mud. "Goddamn you, Fury," she muttered, fists clenched tightly at her sides. "Making me waste a pair of perfectly great boots. They were so goddamn expensive and now they're dirty! Screw you, man, I actually liked these boots." She continued to curse the man's name, insulting him and blaming him for all sorts of things now.

When she reached her destination, she saw Tony blast the Asgardian with his hand blaster, the energy forcing the blond to his knees. She instantly knew that this fight wasn't going to end quickly; in fact, it would probably last another ten minutes. With the power she knew that Thor wielded and the energy within Tony's suit, this fight would last a while...

Fury had already negotiated with her to simply find Loki and the Tesseract, not fight off his enemies. So she looked to her side, spotting a large thick branched tree and started to scale it. Once she got high enough, she stopped climbing and watched the spectacle from above. Whenever Tony managed to get a hit on the man, she would let out a whoop... but then it continued like that. The two men just kept exchanging blows, both having bruises and having some sort of advantage before losing it. For a while, Aline had cheered on both Thor (simply because he was Thor) and Tony, fists waving in the air and booing every time something didn't go her way. Eventually, the fight just started to get... boring wasn't the correct word for it.

"Oh, my God," Aline groaned as she swung her legs, crossing her arms over her body. "Somebody just dieee! Something, please!" She wanted to just flop over and lay across the branch, but knowing that if she leaned a certain way, she'd fall off so she didn't.

Nobody paid her annoyance any mind as Steve ran forward, shouting, "Hey! That's enough!" He looked over at the blond man. "Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here 一"

"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes!" he roared.

"Then prove it," Steve ordered. "Put down the hammer."

"Um, yeah, no!" Tony shouted. "Bad call! He loves his hammer!" He was greatly ignored as Thor hit him. Aline leaned forward, biting her lip with interest and eyes growing with curiosity.

"You want me to put the hammer down?!" He suddenly raised his hammer, jumping high in the air and aiming at Steve. Instantly, the captain held up his shield.

The moment his hammer connected with Steve's shield, a massive implosion of light created a large shockwave, sending not only the trees, but also the people around it back. Aline let out a yelp of surprise and gripped the branch beneath her tightly. Her body flipped over the branch but she managed to wrap her arms around her, resulting in her body dangling.

Steve and Tony now stood, staring warily at the blond man. "Are we done here?"

It's silent for a moment before they hear a voice scream, "That was fricken' awesome!" The trio looked up to see Aline dangling from the tree, arms wrapped tightly around the branch with a leg curled around it. "Do it again!"

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