thirty → that possibly evil android overlord

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( that possibly evil android overlord )

ONCE THE QUINJET LANDED, Aline had already started bounding toward the lab with her fists tightly clenched at her sides. She had a fierceness in her eyes that told people looking at her to not mess with her. If she knew Tony, which she did very well, he would have somehow managed to recruit Bruce into doing whatever it was he was thinking of doing. He was gonna try and do something to right his wrongs with the whole Ultron situation, but it wouldn't end up well. Aline let out a mental sigh; sometimes being an Avenger was just so stupid.

"This framework is not compatible." She could hear Tony speaking to someone from within the lab, presumably Bruce.

"The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent," Bruce responded. She rounded the corner and saw the two working over a large box, and Aline assumed it was the Cradle. "You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes."

Steve slammed his shield against the ground, taking a step forward. Immediately, the two men in front of them froze in their actions and turned to the group of four. "I'm gonna say this once," he said, and Aline moved to stand beside him, arms crossed over her chest and she was tapping her fingers against her upper arm. Both of the Maximoffs stood awkwardly behind him, almost immediately taking a protective stance of his twin.

"How about 'nonce'?" Tony retorted.

The tribrid shook her head. "Tony, just shut it down!" Aline growled.

"Nope, not gonna happen."

"You don't know what you're doing," Steve said.

"And you do?" Bruce said and motioned to Wanda. An irritated look grew in his dark eyes, the fluorescent light reflecting in his glasses. "She's not in your head?"

"I know you're angry," Wanda said, stepping forward from behind her brother.

"Oh, we're way past that," Bruce said, scarily calm. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

"Bruce, you even think that one more time and I will castrate you!" Aline hissed and she felt a soft hand take her own, squeezing it gently in hopes to calm her down. While it did little to do so, it had somewhat curbed her. She nearly looked behind her, but stopped. She didn't want Wanda to see her blushing face.

"Banner, after everything that's happened 一" Steve started.

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony interrupted.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda said.

"Just shut the damn thing off, Stark!" Aline yelled. She grit her teeth and clenched her fists even tighter. The brunette nearly winced when she felt something pierce her palms, and when she looked down, she growled. Her claws had formed, growing longer and darker and the tips covered in her blood.

"The creature 一" Wanda shouted but was interrupted.

A whirlwind of air slapped Aline in the face and she took a step back. A sudden blur darted across the room, and she knew immediately who it was. Pietro had dashed across the room, pulling out all sorts of cables and wires connected to the Cradle. The Sokovian blond finally skidded to a stop, tossing a cable to the side. "No, no, go on," he said. He cocked his head. "You were saying?"

No one responded and it was like time slowed down. A gunshot echoed through the lab and before anyone could react, Pietro crashed through the glass floor. He landed with a thud, and Wanda shouted for her brother just as Steve tossed his shield at Tony, throwing it as swiftly as a Frisbee. She supposed that the time for talk was over and Aline sighed. The tribrid flicked her wrists and the computers behind Tony and Bruce suddenly crashed, the monitors exploding behind them in a shower of glass. Tony whirled towards her, dropping his arms back to his sides.

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