twenty-four → we are soulmates, after all

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( we are soulmates, after all )

THE MOMENT TONY LANDED ON the platform, his heavy suit clattering on the metal floor, Aline stepped out of the shadows. "Aw, Junior," Tony said, "you're gonna break your old man's heart." They managed to track Ultron down to an abandoned shipyard on the coast of Africa. As soon as they found him, they launched into the Quinjet and flew off.

"If I have to." Ultron had definitely upgraded his body. No longer was he a wrecked Iron Legionnaire, but instead a bulkier robot, standing much taller than all of them with deep red eyes. His voice, however, still remained the same: smooth and eerie. She chewed on the inside of her cheek; how were they going to be able to defeat an A.I., something that could just body hop from one thing to the next?

Aline's dark eyes drifted over to spot the two figures standing behind Ultron. She hadn't gotten a good enough look at Pietro, but she had to admit he was handsome. While he still had defined cheekbones, there was still a bit of baby fat in his face, and he had bright blue eyes. His hair wasn't brown like his twin's, but instead a light blond, it looked almost silver. She'd seen the pictures of him before, so she naturally assumed his hair changed color because of the experimentation. He stood a bit in front of Wanda, eyeing her carefully; Wanda must have told him about their... relationship.

Wanda looked just as pretty, her hair held into a high ponytail and revealing her sharp face. Her eyes looked sad, and she looked like she was trying to avoid Aline's gaze. It was uncomfortable for both of them; they were about to fight their soulmate.

"We don't have to break anything!" Thor said.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet," Ultron retorted.

Tony turned his head slightly to look at Thor. "He beat me by one second."

Pietro took a slow step forward, anger radiating off his body. "Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark," he mocked. "It's what, comfortable? Like old times?" His eyes landed on the bombs below them.

"This was never my life."

"You two can still walk away from this," Steve spoke up.

"Oh, we will," Wanda said curtly, giving a mocking smile as well. When her eyes landed on Aline, she ducked her head.

"I know you've suffered."

"Ahh, Captain America 一 God's righteous man, pretending you could living without a war." Ultron groaned. "I can't physically throw up in my mouth but 一"

"But I can physically punch you in the face twenty times," Aline smirked, crossing her arms and tilting her head a little. She lifted a hand up, wiggling her fingers tauntingly. "How does that sound?"

"Aline Ashford," Ultron hummed. "The enigmatic tribrid. Tell me, how is your family these days? And Madelaine? On second thought, I believe I should offer you my condolences."

He had no right to talk about her family like that, and it irked her that he knew what had happened. Aline hadn't told most of her teammates about her past, like why Maggie and Rome had left and how much blood soaked her hands. It felt as if something had just snapped inside of her. She bit back a growl, feeling part of her fangs poke her lip, and she dug her nails into her palms. Her claws were stabbing into her, and she felt them pierce her skin. "Say her name one more time!" she hissed as thin lines of blood dribbled down her palms. "I friggin' dare you, bitch." Her eyes changed from dark brown to bright gold, and the twins took a step back in alarm. Steve held out his arm, preventing Aline from jumping out and pummeling Ultron's face.

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it!" Thor said. Aline was thankful for him talking, and she exhaled deeply. The beating of several hearts echoed in her ears and she focused on that to calm herself down. She wiped the blood off her hands and onto her pants.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet," Ultron said.

"Yea-huh," Tony said. "What the vibranium for?"

"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Ultron shot out his arm, a laser shooting out and hitting Tony straight in the chest. The two metal men then jumped forward at each other, hitting each other midair.

Two robots soared over to Aline where her hands raised, the two robots following in suit. "Vatos!" she yelled at they exploded in a shower of metal pieces and yellow sparks. With her hands, she telekinetically threw them at the incoming robots that were flying towards her, or at the suddenly appearing men now shooting at her. Aline ran towards the wall, pressing her back against the metal as she heard the bullets whistle past her ears.

She turned towards them, throwing her arm out. "Ossox!" The four men in front of her, that were previously shooting at her, now keeled over and screamed as multiple bones in their bodies shattered, each of them snapping as soon as the words escaped her lips. "Phasmatos extandas lomiano!" Their skin started to feel like it was burning, feeling as if the fires were heavily licking their skin. Aline heard their screams start to diminish as their hearts stopped.

"Nat? Steve?" Aline said, pressing a finger to the comm in her ear. "Anyone?" She got no reply and growled quietly. "Damn it," she said before running through the halls.

Aline walked quickly on the balls of her feet, her hands poised to attack. As soon she turned into a corner, she could hear a quick heartbeat loudly ring in her ears. "I know you're there," she said, loud enough for the person to hear her. "I can hear your heartbeat." The person walked out of the shadows and Aline tried not to smile. Wanda walked out, her eyes glowing red with small red wisps circling her finger tips. "Wanda," she breathed out.

"Aline, was it?" the Sokovian girl asked, giving a small chuckle as she did. "I like it. It sounds... pretty."

The tribrid held her breath. It sounds amazing, like heaven, hearing her name on Wanda's lips. "Yeah, well, you kinda should. We are soulmates, after all."

Wanda bit her lip. "Yes, we are..." She trailed off, her eyes having a far away look.

"Please, Wanda," Aline said, immediately changing the subject and taking a step forward, "you must know how crazy Ultron is."

"No, I don't. But then again, he should be considering who created him."

"I know you don't like Tony but 一"

"'Like'?" Wanda echoed. "He killed my parents, destroyed my home! I hate him, I despise him!" Her sweet eyes hardened into a nasty glare. It was like Tony's name was poison on her tongue.

"Wanda, I'm so sorry about your parents, about your home 一 believe me, I really am 一 but you can't do this. Ultron will kill everyone and everything, including us."

"I'm sorry," Wanda said, "but I have to do this. And I'm also sorry about this." Before Aline could reply, Wanda took a sharp step forward. She wiggled her small fingers, the red wisps forming and shooting into Aline's head.

Her vision started to dim, her legs betraying her as she fell to the ground, but she felt someone's arms holding her and gently sit place her on the floor.

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