fifty-two → that was hilarious!

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( that was hilarious! )

WHEN THE MORNING FINALLY CAME, they had managed to get in contact with Sharon again, who had happily supplied them with all the weapons and gear that had been taken from them the previous day. Aline's suit was with her, however, packed in the backpack she brought with her. Although, getting their supplies and stuff hadn't been the most difficult part 一 it'd been the girls. Since their argument last night, the two had yet to speak to one another and the tension had been too thick, nearly suffocating for the three men to be around. Steve had tried to get Aline to say something first, but he knew how stubborn she'd always been and how furious she currently was, so that was a bust. When they had settled into their car, a tiny thing that barely fit them (and that she had managed to... not-so-legally acquire), Aline had even went so far as to squish between Sam and Steve in the front seat. 

For reasons like this, she was gladly to be on the smaller side, but it was still annoying to have both of her friends' shoulders squeezing her tightly. The moment they pulled into the parking structure of the airport where they were all destined to meet at, Aline had literally climbed over Sam to get out. "Free! Freedom!" she cried, literally falling on the floor. "I'm free." She lay on the ground for a moment, sighing to herself. The tribrid was trying to put on a happy face for her friends, to show them that she was fine, but it wasn't as easy as she thought. The whole car ride there, she thought was going to burst and cause an explosion or two. Maybe more.

Sam chuckled and stepped out of the car. He was glad that even though she didn't seem back to her usual self, Aline did appear better. "It wasn't that bad," he said, then held out a hand to Aline.

"Uh, yes, it was!" Aline took his offered hand, pulling herself up. "I was squished between two very muscly men and had little to no space. It was awful." She saw the look Sam gave her, the one that said that she could have just sat in the back seat, but she only responded by giving him a look in return 一 hell no. She rolled her shoulders and looked over to see a white van beside them. Her smile widened when she saw Clint and Wanda pop out, the latter smiling just as big. The tribrid quickly rushed to her side, arms wrapped around her waist and just barely lifting her off the ground. Aline placed a loving kiss to Wanda's lips, resulting in her blushing slightly, and then pulled away to hug Clint. "Barton, you ass!" she said. "You don't just leave us for a year like that, dude! I mean, sure, you got a family and a baby boy 一 who is one, may I add 一 but still!"

Clint hugged her back and once they pulled away, ruffled her hair, only resulting Aline smacked his hand away. "Good to see you too, Ali." He looked up at Steve. "Cap."

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice."

"Hey, man, you're doing me a favor. Besides... I'm on your team."

Steve looked to Wanda, smiling at the Sokovian."Thanks for having my back," he said.

Wanda shrugged, then crossed her arms. "It was time to get off my ass." She tilted her head to lean against Aline's shoulder, and smiled when she felt Aline press a kiss to her head. Although, she could definitely feel that there was something wrong. Even when Aline whispered a cheeky comment to her, causing her to blush bright red, she still wondered what was wrong. Looking past Steve's car, she spotted an unfamiliar blonde woman, who was staring at Aline and Wanda in curiosity and surprise. Maybe she would know?

"What about the new recruits?" Aline asked from beside her, moving to toss an arm around her soulmate's shoulders.

"He's ready to go." Clint pulled open the van door, revealing a sleeping man inside. Once the door had slammed open, he jolted awake and struggled to get out of the van. "I'd have to put a little coffee in him, but he should be good to go."

The sleeping man had squinted as he stepped outside, and Aline got a better view of him. He appeared to be a man older than her, with dark hair and eyes. All Aline had known about him was that Sam had met him once before, and his name was Scott Lang, who had a suit that allowed to shrink to the size of an ant. Other than that, Sam hadn't explained much and only grumbled bitterly to himself. "What time zone is this?" he muttered, then looked over to see Steve. "Captain America," he gaped.

"Mr. Lang," Steve greeted.

Scott gladly took his hand, shaking it quickly. His eyes went wide, looking almost like a young boy meeting his hero. "It's an honor... I'm shaking your hand too long." Scott finally released Steve's hand then turned to Wanda, smiling giddily like a schoolgirl. "Captain America! I know you too, you're great. Jeez, look I wanted to say, I know you know a lot of super people, but... thinks for thanking of me."

Aline took a moment to acknowledge what he said, turning to Wanda with a raised brow, but allowed Scott to keep talking. He waved at Sam. "Hey, man."

"What's up, Tic-Tac?" Sam greeted curtly, arms crossed defensively over his chest.

"Good to see you. Look, what happened last time was a 一"

"It was a great audition, but it'll-it'll never happen again."

"'Audition'?" Aline muttered to herself. She racked her brain for any sort of memory featuring the man, and when it suddenly hit her, she raised her hand and waved it widely. "Oh, my God, wait! Sam, is this about when you were randomly shooting the ground last year?" She remembered waking up late one day and looking out the window to spot Sam just... shooting at the ground before she decided enough was enough and fell back asleep. Later on, she had asked someone about it and all they said was it was a "small man". "That was hilarious!"

"Shut up, Ali!" Sam hushed, sending a look her way. Wanda watched with a smile as Aline struggled to contain her laughter, but the Sokovian still looked on at her soulmate in worry.

"Did he tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked, interrupting his friends' banter.

Scott paused to think. "Something about some... psycho assassins."

"We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man."

Scott shrugged. "Yeah, well, what else is new?"

"We should get moving," Bucky called out. At this point, Aline finally turned to look at Rome, and saw her cousin looking cautiously at Wanda. She wanted to snarl at her cousin but decided against it; while she was still mad at Rome, that didn't mean the witch couldn't be a little curious about who she was dating. Aline had to admit her situation with soulmates... Plus, she didn't want Wanda to think there was anything wrong with her. 

However, she did notice the confused look Wanda was giving her, and Aline shook her head. "I'll tell you later," she whispered to her.

"I got a chopper lining up," Clint announced.

Suddenly, the intercom went off and a voice speaking German echoed through the building. Aline lifted her head to look at one of the speakers, easily understanding the language. "They're evacuating the airport," Bucky translated.

"It's Stark," Rome said, placing a hand on her hip.

"Stark?" Scott echoed.

Everyone looked to Steve, who nodded his head curtly. "Suit up."

A/N: i know i'm kinda lacking
in updates for this but i'm legit
debating on whether or not to
rewrite this again oops 🤷‍♀️

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