thirty-four → be safe?

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( be safe? )

AFTER BEING TOLD TO MEET up at the church, Aline had let out several heavy pants as she reached it. It was in near ruins by the time she arrived, along with her fellow teammates. There was a slight headache forming, the kind that felt like something was pushing against one part of her brain, but she ignored it. She could handle a headache 一 honestly, she had no choice but to handle it.

"So," she huffed, rolling her shoulders, "anyone wanna tell me what the drill is?" She rubbed her hands together as she stepped further into the church.

Tony pointed at the silver cylinder emerging from the center; the machine looked like it had been shoved up through the ground. "This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."

She turned, hearing someone arriving and she spotted Ultron flying towards them. He hovered high in the air, the sunlight reflecting off his shiny body and nearly blinding her, so she raised her hand to shield her eyes. God, she wanted to knock the smug grin off his stupid face. Stupid Ultron and his stupid army...

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor roared, spinning his hammer in his hand.

Unfortunately, in response to this, Ultron raised his hand. Their eyes grew wide as they watched dozens, if not hundreds of robots appear. Some flew in, some ran in, and some had dug up from the ground to stand by their master. Aline wanted to rip them all apart with her bare hands.

She failed to resist the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, Aline turned to Thor, glaring at him. "Really? Did you, did you really have to ask?" She placed a hand on her hip, shaking her head.

"This is the best I can do," Ultron replied. "This is exactly what I wanted: all of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?"

Tony was the one to speak. "Well, like the old man said: together." Hulk roared loudly after he said this, and the robots charged forward.

Robots came at them at all directions, charging as quickly and as harshly as they could, but none of the Avengers would allow it. Aline fought with all her might, ripping them apart with fangs and claws and enchantments. As strange as it sounded, she was getting an odd thrill from fighting. It was different compared to all the other fights, probably because she knew they weren't actually humans and she was dealing no real damage to them. Plus, it felt great to left off some steam from the complete and utter bullshit she had to experience these past few days.

At times, Wanda had watched Aline fight out of the corner of her eye. The tribrid had a certain gracefulness to the way she fought, almost like it was a dance. She swiftly attacked in a way that the others couldn't do 一 she tore them apart with a surprising elegance and poise that Wanda had never seen before. Compared to Captain American and Thor, she was different. Yet it felt like this wasn't the first time she'd done this before. Wanda had seen in her vision that Aline had killed before 一 she'd seen them all in bloody flashes of red 一 but seeing it in person was much different.

Aline growled as she flicked her wrist, a robot coming at her falling limp after seizing. Still facing that robot, she blindly reached behind her and grinned. Her hand had plunged into the oncoming robot from behind her, and she pulled out its mechanical heart. She ripped it out with a ferocity and tossed it at the head of another robot. It was startled and visibly froze, which gave Aline the opportunity to attack. She flit forward, slamming her forehead against its own, causing the thing to stutter backwards. Because of that, she then gripped its skull between her bare hands and crushed it. Instances like this continued again and again, her fighting violently and ending robot lives left and right.

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