sixteen → everyone who isn't aline

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( everyone who isn't aline )


"Language!" Steve shouted. From her spot behind Steve, Aline barked out a quick laugh. "J.A.R.V.I.S., what's the view from upstairs?"

The brunette turned on her spot on Steve's motorcycle, holding out a hand and shouted an offensive spell at the firing HYDRA agents. For the past year now, her and the others had been raiding HYDRA facilities all over the globe trying to find Loki's scepter ever since it was revealed that the organization had been hiding among SHIELD and that Steve's (sorta) ex-best friend was still alive and was in HYDRA's clutches this whole time. Currently, he was in hiding with some random woman, but she didn't have too many details on that. Aline was glad to be doing something exciting; while she loved teaching dance, it had gotten boring compared to fighting evil bad guys alongside her friends. Honestly, nothing could be compared to fighting alongside the Avengers.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield," the A.I. said in their comms. "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

"Loki's scepter must be here," Thor said. "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."

"'At long last'?" Aline echoed. Looking over her shoulder, she flicked her wrists thus causing several HYDRA agents to fall over limp. "'At long last' is taking way too long. And, can I just say, I'm about one hundred percent sure we've lost the element of surprise? Just saying!" Ahead of her and Steve, she spotted a large truck starting to pull up filled with soldiers.

"Wait a second," Tony said. "No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language'?"

"I know," Steve said. He briefly glanced at Aline and nodded at her. The brunette pushed herself off of the motorcycle, landing in the snow just as Steve flipped over his bike, throwing it at a few soldiers pulling up in their truck. "It just slipped out."


"Woah, woah, woah!" Aline yelled, pressing herself against a tree as she saw a sliver blur (although with her enhanced sight, she could easily tell it was a silver blond man about her age). The man had purposely run into Steve, who flipped high into the air but landed easily on his feet.

"We have an Enhanced on the field," Steve said into the comm and ran off.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock!" she called after him. In her mind, she instantly thought, I really need to rewatch Sherlock now. But she shook her head; she should be thinking about fighting HYDRA agents and getting Loki's stupid scepter back, not Netflix (as much as she would have greatly loved to think about Netflix).

As they quickly encountered more armed soldiers, Natasha yelled, "Clint's hit! Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" A pause and a small rumble answered her question. "Thank you."

Aline found herself wrapped her arms around a soldier, burying her fangs deep into his neck. When she pulled back, a bit of blood had dribbled down her chin. "Tony, honey, it would really help if we were inside now!" She tossed the body aside.

"I'm closing in," Tony replied. "JARVIS, am I... closing in? Do you see a power source for the shield?"

"There's a pathway below the north tower."

"Great, I wanna poke something with it," Tony said and Aline's immediate reply was: "That could be interpreted very sexually."

"Drawbridge is down, people!" Tony announced.

Aline smiled and lifted a hand, flicking her wrist and sending two soldiers to the floor, necks snapped. She tried to wipe the blood away but ended up smearing it across her face. The tribrid turned to Steve, who was looking at her with a bit of disgust. "What, I was hungry!"

Steve gave her a look. "There's a time and place for food 一"

"I work better on a full stomach!" Aline said and looked towards the old castle. "Meet you there?" Before the captain could reply, she had disappeared with a laugh in the air.

When she had stepped inside the fortress, she quickly shed her coat, revealing the pair of jeans and thin sweater she wore underneath. "Thank God," she said. "That thing was heavy."

As she treaded down the hallway, she kept her footsteps silent. It was rather difficult, consider that she was wearing pretty heavy boots. Whenever an enemy soldier would run past her, she'd elbow them harshly in the throat and break their gun. It was a bit funny to see them nearly scream when she broke it with their bare hands.

"We have a second Enhanced," Steve said through the comms and Aline paused. "Female. Do not engage."

Aline paused, pressing herself against a stone wall. "So... what you're saying is... everyone who isn't Aline, don't engage?" the brunette asked. It was silent for a moment, getting no reply, so she tossed both her fists into the air. "Yes!"

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