fifty-one → what happened to us

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( what happened to us )

ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH, SHE finally decided. As much as Aline would have loved to push this off to a much later date, or at the very least push it so far back into the corners of her mind that she didn't even dawdle about it, she knew that she couldn't keep pushing it off anymore. For one, within the next hour they'd be leaving to meet with the others and after that, they'd have no time alone. Besides, she knew that Steve and Sam would get on her case for not doing anything, instead just deciding to sulk and argue with her cousin. Plus, Rome would probably also corner her and demand they talk... great. The brunette let out a long sigh, pushing herself off the wall and into the next room. Rome was crouching over Bucky, whispering gentle reassurances to him; though she'd never met Bucky before, Steve had told her that he was a good friend. Maybe when this was all over she'd talk to him and dig up some dirt on Steve...

She watched the couple for a long moment. Honestly, she hadn't expected Rome to find someone. Her cousin had never exactly been the relationship type; in the beginning, she'd gone through lovers so quickly before she stopped the flings altogether. Perhaps it was because she knew they'd never be, for Rome had been cursed just her and Maggie. But it still made a part of her happy to know that she was with Bucky, and the thought made her smile sadly.

Rome lifted her head, finally noticing Aline's presence. She slowly stood up, just as Aline spoke. "It's time we talk, don't you think?" she asked awkwardly, twiddling with the bottom of her shirt.

The blonde gave her a grim nod before turning briefly to Bucky. "I'll be back," she reassured him, giving him a gentle smile before following her cousin out of the room. They passed by Steve and Sam quickly as they made their way up the stairs, but neither pair said a word to the other. The two men knew that they'd be speaking, and it most likely wouldn't be pretty. Once they reached the roof of the building, Aline made sure to shut the door behind her with certain finality.

It was Rome who spoke first. "I've put up a cloaking spell," she said slowly, almost testing the water. "They shouldn't be able to find us here."

The tribrid responded with a nod. Always quick, wasn't she? "Good." She hesitated for another moment, pursing her lips tightly before exhaling. Her attention remained on the horizon. "Where were you?"

"HYDRA," Rome said quickly, "a few years after I left." Her voice sounded oddly distant, but she still couldn't find any strength in herself to look at her cousin. "Aline, before you say anything 一"

"You left me!" Aline barked, her voice cold as ice as she whipped around to look at the witch. She tossed her hands in the air angrily. "H-how could just leave me like that? Do you have any idea how much I had lost, what I-I went through? The love of my life 一 my soulmate had died in my arms and then the last bit of my family that I actually still cared about left! You, you have no idea what it was like." She couldn't help the anger building up in her voice, the growing resentment; this was a long time coming.

Rome pressed one of her hands into her pocket. "You have no idea how difficult it was for me. Making that choice will always be the hardest thing I've ever done."

The hardest thing? Aline thought, growling inwardly. She nearly scoffed. "Oh, really? Then why did you do it? I was broken and you left me in my greatest time of need! I needed you!"

"You were out of control," Rome said, resulting in Aline's face falling and taking a step back. She pursed her lips. "I understand that you lost Madelaine and it hurt you, it hurt me. She was my friend too. But you went so far over the edge and I couldn't bring you back. Do you have any idea what it was like for me? I was so scared that you wouldn't ever be able to regain control."

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