forty-two → i have, on multiple occasions

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( i have, on multiple occasions )

HOLDING TWO SMALL CUPS OF tea, Aline slowly approached the table with an extra skip in her step. She wasn't exactly sure why she appeared to be so happy, but whatever the case, she settled into the chair across from her girlfriend and placed the drink down in front of her. "Here you go, lovely lady," she said with a gentle smile. It still felt strange to refer to Wanda as her girlfriend, knowing that she was much more than that, but it's not like either of them minded. It felt much better (and easier) to call one another girlfriend instead of soulmate, seeing as how the latter just made them feel a tad awkward.

Wanda thanked her, cupping her hands around the drink and softly blew the steam away. Before she could say anything to Aline, the two of them heard Steve's voice over the comms. "All right, what do you see?" Knowing him, he was probably standing on some rooftop close to the marketplace they were currently in.

Even though HYDRA had been revealed to a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. a few years ago, there were still some remnants of them left all over 一 one remnant happened to be Brock Rumlow, a member of the organization's STRIKE team and a part of HYDRA. Aline hadn't personally known him, but from what both Steve and Sam had told her, he was highly dangerous. They had managed to track him down here to Lagos, but so far, they hadn't spotted him or any suspicious figures.

"Standard beat cops," Wanda shrugged, tossing an unsuspecting glance over Aline's shoulder. "Small station, quiet street 一 it's a good target."

"There's an ATM on the south corner," Steve said.

This time, Aline spoke. "Cameras," she said, "fun times. Meaning they'll be easily caught, right?"

"There is a one-way."

"So..." Aline took a long sip from her tea, then tapped her fingers rhythmically against the table. To anyone passing by, it'd simply look like a conversation between two girls. She thought for a little longer then said, "Compromised escape?" When she saw Natasha nod out of the corner of her eye, she gave a small fist pump in the air. "Hell yeah, I am getting good at this spy stuff."

She managed to catch a little of Steve's chuckle, but he quickly turned serious again. "These guys don't care about being seen. See that ranger halfway up the block?"

Wanda nodded to herself, looking down at her drink. "Yeah, the red one?" She took a slow sip. "It's cute."

"It is." Aline grinned, then nudged Wanda under the table with her foot. "Maybe we should get one. It is time I get a car. Especially one as great and cute as that." Because of her abilities and public transportation, Aline had never felt any real need to get a car. It was just easier to run places or take a taxi or the bus. But then again, this job they all had sometimes required a car.

"It's also bulletproof, which means private security," Natasha said. This time, Aline fully looked over to her side to see Natasha sitting at a table, disguised as well. "Which means more guns, which means more headaches for someone, probably us."

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda asked.

The other brunette girl nodded in response then added, "Yeah, and I also happen to be an immortal tribrid with literal magic. But no, we'll just forget that little tidbit, won't we?" She leaned back in her seat, grinning as she briefly locked eyes with Natasha.

Yet Natasha just ignored the girls' comments. "Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature."

Wanda discreetly looked over her shoulder, as if she were to turn and look at something happening on the opposite side of the square, and met Natasha's gaze. Over the past year, Natasha had helped personally take Wanda under her wing ever since Clint decided to retire and spend time with his family, especially because he had just a baby with his wife. She had started teaching her things like hand-to-hand combat, and Wanda had thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially because it didn't help that whenever she faced Aline, she remembered she'd be facing a girl with a thousand years worth of experience 一 it just wasn't fair. Natasha had even started to teach her how to navigate the spy world, given her small tips and hints. For example, because of how distinct her accent was, Wanda's Sokovian accent was slowly fading away; Aline had been a bit upset about that, seeing as how she adored the way her name sounded with that cute accent of hers.

Next came Sam's voice, and for a moment Aline almost forget he was there. "Anyone ever tell you you're a little paranoid?"

"Yes," came Aline's immediate response, said through a haughty chuckle. She had to force herself to remain quiet, so instead she pretended to clear her throat. "Oh, yes, yes, yes. I have, on multiple occasions." She spotted Wanda chuckling at her childish behavior. Even in the middle of a mission, she'd still joke and laugh.

Natasha managed a grin. "Besides Aline, not to my face. Why did you guys hear something?"

"Eyes on target, folks," Steve reminded then, and Aline forced herself not to groan. "We have had our eyes on him for six months. I don't want to lose him."

"If he sees us coming, that won't be a problem," Sam said. "He kinda hates us."

"True. I mean, you did drop a fricken' building on his face." Aline looked over at Wanda, who bit back a laugh. How Rumlow had managed to survive, she'll never know 一 he wasn't supernatural or anything, just a simple human with a penchant for evil and mayhem. "If someone managed to make me as butt-ugly as him, I'd be a little pissed off too." She ended her comment by flicking some of her dark hair over her shoulder.

"Sam, see that garbage truck?" Steve said. "Tag it."

Aline knew that he did as he was told, releasing Red Wing to follow the designated truck. Moments later, Sam responded. "The truck is loaded with max weight. Driver is armed," he added a second later.

"It's a battering ram," Natasha quickly concluded.

Steve shouted an order. "Go now!"

"What, why?" Wanda almost shot to her feet, while Aline slammed her now-empty cup on the table.

The tribrid stood up, her chair skittering back a few inches, and grabbed Wanda's hand. "'Cause he's not hitting the police. C'mon, we gotta go, now!"

A/N: sorry that there the updates
haven't been as consistent as
my other stories, but because
my finals are finishing up this
week, i should (SHOULD!! but
that's not definitive) have
newer & better chapters soon

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