nine → here's some advice

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( here's some advice )

BY THE TIME THEY ARRIVED in New York City, fires and explosions roared across the city and the Chitauri were ravaging the area. Cars were flipped over and debris had been scattered across the streets, most likely from the buildings up above. Aline couldn't believe that only in a few minutes, this is what had resulted.

Once the Quinjet landed, Aline pressed the ear into her comm and waited impatiently for the ramp to lower. She tapped her foot over and over against the metal floor and once it finally lowered all the way, she pushed herself out of the Quinjet. "All right, I'll see you losers later!" she called over her shoulder, instantly darting outside and disappearing into the chaos. She faintly heard someone shout out to her but she ignored them. She had a god to find.

Aline flitted across the street, instantly coming upon a pair of Chitauri soldiers cornering a small family. She smirked, feeling her fangs start to poke her lips. She charged at one of them, tackling it to the ground, then shouted up at the family. "Might want to look away!" she called, suddenly digging her fangs into the alien's neck. The thing squirmed under her grip as its blood was drained away. To be honest, the alien's blood tasted absolutely nothing like a human's; this was bitter and disgusting but she continued to suck it dry. However, Aline ripped her fangs away when something stabbed at her thigh.

She cried out loudly and turned around, still straddling the alien. She saw that the other one had taken its spear and dug it into her thigh. The tribrid dropped the now dead Chitauri and charged at the other one. "You really messed with the wrong person today, buddy," she hissed, revealing the startling gold of her eyes. Once again, Aline charged and her shoulder crashed against the Chitauri soldier, quickly grabbing hold of its head. The thing punched and hit her as hard as it could but it was no use as her fingers dug into its skull. With little strength and great ease, she yanked its head off, causing a large spurt of blood to hit her in the face. She dropped the head casually and wiped her hands. "Ew."

She spit into the street near the Chitauri bodies, rolling her shoulders. "That was easy... I guess." Looking over her shoulder, she noticed that the family she had saved had disappeared, hopefully somewhere much safer than the open streets. Then she looked to her left, seeing that she was slowly starting to get surrounded by several more Chitauri soldiers. All of them aimed their weapons at her.

Aline simply smirked to herself, and held up both her hands. Slowly, her nails started to elongate and sharpen, similar to how it would when she got too angry, and she cracked her neck. "You wanna fight? Fine, then let's fight, bitches."


"We need to get out!" the cop shouted to his sergeant. No matter how many officers they brought, they were no match for... whatever this was. They were police officers, not superheroes; they weren't meant to take down alien armies sent by Norse gods. "They gotta bring the National Guard!"

"National Guard?" the sergeant echoed, as if it was the stupidest thing he'd heard. "Does the army know what's happening here?"

"Do we?"

Their conversation was interrupted shortly after when a familiar figure dressed in red, white, and blue jumped atop of the cars. "I need men in these buildings!" Steve ordered, pointing to several tall buildings surrounding them. "There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You can take them through the basement or through the subway; you keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th."

The sergeant gave him a critical look. "Why the hell should I take orders from you?" he demanded.

An explosion roared behind Steve and he raised his shield just as a blast of energy hit it.

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