thirty-six → wake up and don't leave me alone

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( wake up and don't leave me alone )

SOMEHOW, WANDA HAD MANAGED TO push herself through the large crowd of Sokovians and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, hands shaking as she moved them aside and continued down the hall. Some of them had glared at her, while others had just watched her run past with a crazed look in her eyes. But she didn't particularly care for their looks 一 she needed to find the infirmary and no one was going to stop her. She'd fight through hell to get there, to find Aline and get her back.

The brunette paused, standing at a crossroads and green eyes flicking back and forth. She looked at doorways and people and vents and windows and everything in between. Where was the infirmary? Where is it? She needed to get there. She hadn't heard what Clint had said, nor did she really care to, for Wanda had started to run and search. Her exhaustion was getting the best of her, causing her eyelids and limbs to grow heavy. She needed to rest but she couldn't, not until she knew that Aline was alive and okay. She absolutely refused to be like these other people, crying in the halls and wrapped in comforting blankets. Everything felt overbearing, and she felt like she couldn't breathe. An ache started to form in her head, and Wanda clutched it between both hands.

"Hey, kid!" She heard Clint call from behind her. "Wanda, hey, slow down!" She had been aware that he was chasing after her, close on her heels, but she'd been too focused on trying to find the infirmary.

"I need to find her." Wanda's voice came out as a whisper, gasping for air as she continued to turn and look around. People kept passing by her, but none of them were giving her any clues as to where the hospital wing was. Even if she figured out where it was, the helicarrier was expansive and she'd probably get lost. The brunette turned to Clint. "Please..." she begged, eyes shining with tears, "she's all I have left."

Clint gave her a knowing look, nodded, then placed a comforting hand on her upper arm. "I know," he said, "I know, but she's in surgery right now." Before Wanda could ask what he meant, Clint quickly continued. "She may have survived but they need to remove the bullets or else she'll heal with them still in her. They pumped her with some anesthesia in case she woke up too early." He moved his hand to her back, gently nudging her down one of the halls. "You need to get something to eat. C'mon."

Her arms wrapped around herself, knowing that Clint was right. She needed to eat and to rest, so Aline wouldn't worry about her (even though Wanda had every right to be worrying about her). She looked over her shoulder, as if she'd finally find the hospital wing, as Clint led her down the hall.


About an hour and a half had passed, with both of them getting plenty of food and little rest, before Clint had gotten the call. It had been Natasha to tell him, calling him and quickly telling him that Aline was finally out of surgery with the bullets successfully removed. As soon as he found out, he alerted Wanda and quickly took her to Aline's room. Well, more like Wanda was tugging on his arm like an impatient child, huffing every time they got stopped by other people. The walk was surprising long, and Wanda had nearly taken to start counting the seconds until she was reunited with Aline. She was aware that some people were looking at her, old neighbors and friends staring at her like she'd grown a second head, but she was too focused.

When they had finally managed to arrive at Aline's room, Wanda had forced the door open. She stepped inside, releasing her pants as she stood in the doorway. Clint stood behind her. She wasn't surprised to find Natasha, the red haired woman from before, sitting at Aline's side and holding her hand. Natasha had brought the girl's hand up to her lips, kissing the back of it gently before turning her gaze to look at Wanda and Clint.

She stood up, pressing another kiss to Aline's temple, before heading towards them. Natasha grinned to herself, as if she was in on a joke no one else knew. It didn't particularly matter to Wanda, not even when Natasha looked at her. "Glad you're here. Watch over her for me, will you?"

Wanda could only nod, speechless as Natasha passed by her and left the room. She had watched her momentarily leave but then looked at Aline. She headed to her bedside, replacing Natasha in the chair. Lips pressed tightly together, Wanda hesitantly took Aline's hand. Sure, they were at a very weird point in their relationship with the whole working alongside Ultron thing and reliving horrible memories, but they kissed so Wanda guessed they were somewhat okay and holding hands should be okay... right? She looked up at the girl's frame, seeing Aline was dressed in a hospital gown that definitely didn't suit her. Her black suit, which was folded neatly, sat on a table on the other side. She winced when she saw the many bullet wounds, and the dark blood staining the material. So it did happen, she thought, sighing. 

She flicked her eyes up to the several machines Aline was currently hooked up to, and she felt a pang in her chest when she saw the ECG not moving; the green line remained a simple line that didn't move, and she shook with fear. There was no rhythmic beat to Aline's heart, and Wanda gulped. She remembered Clint's words 一 Aline's different 一 but what did that mean? Wanda herself was different, the product of science and magic, but what exactly was Aline? Obviously something strong and powerful enough to survive several wounds, but nothing to exactly confirm her suspicions. She remembered back at the shipyard in Africa, how she saw how Aline's eyes had glowed and her nails had grown into claws. Then in the memories Wanda had seen and in the battle they just faced, Aline ripped robots apart with her bare hands with a sudden strength she never thought possible. At the time, Wanda had just brushed them off as little instances of strangeness, but now she was confused. What is Aline Ashford?

Leaning forward, she brushed a few stray hairs out of Aline's face. The unconscious girl looked so peaceful while she slept (or was she technically dead? Wanda couldn't decide). The years of stress and anxiety were gone, no grief or guilt in her dark eyes, and now replaced with the serenity of sleep.

She turned, looking over her shoulder to ask Clint a question but it died in her throat. Besides her and Aline, the room was empty. She hadn't noticed when he left; did Clint leave with Natasha or after? Had left them to have their moment? Again, Wanda didn't exactly care as her grip on Aline's hand tightened. 

"I don't know who you are..." she started, her voice soft and shaky, "and I don't know what you are, but I want to. I want to know about the little girl I saw in that forest. I want to know... to know about the village she called home and, and about the celebrations and bonfires she danced around, about the people she loved to call family." Wanda squeezed her eyes shut, feeling her eyes starting to water and she bowed her head. She pressed her forehead against their linked hands. "I want to know who you are, Aline. I need to know who you are. I need you."

Wanda needed Aline to stay in her head. This wasn't a want or a desire, it was a need. She was orphaned and now her brother was dead, and she had no other family to call her own. Her home was literally destroyed just hours ago by a monster, and the guilt was eating her up inside that she was apart of it. But Aline didn't seem to blame her for anything, which was still shocking to her. Why wasn't she being yelled at? Why wasn't she being blamed for doing something so monstrous? 

"So, please... just..." She whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut again as tears leaked down her cheeks. Her voice was barely a whisper. "Please wake up. Wake up and, and tell me your story. Wake up and be at my side. Wake up and don't leave me like... like..." She hesitated, her voice thick with tears. Wanda couldn't say his name. "Don't leave me; please don't be another lost one in my life. Please, promise me that you'll wake up and stay with me. Wake up and don't leave me alone."

A/N: double update
cause i wanted to :))

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