thirty-three → damn, that was hot

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( damn, that was hot )

ALINE HAD SUPPOSED THAT Novi Grad was beautiful once. It had the lovely Eastern European architecture that she had always liked, and the people didn't seem to be too awful. But now the city was in shambles, almost completely destroyed, and infested with evil Ultron robots. Several metallic bodies had slithered and sprouted their way from all sorts of places, from large cracks in the broken streets to between the rocks in the riverbeds, and it was continuing to rise with every second. Aline nearly groaned; this really was a terrible place to be.

She hissed into her comms, her back slamming against the corner of a building. "Okay, Tony, you wanna tell me what the hell is going on?" A calming hand was placed on her arm, and she turned to see it was only Wanda. The Sokovian soothingly rubbed Aline's arm; yelling at Tony wasn't going to solve any problems, and she was glad that Wanda was there to calm her down. Sure, she was technically still upset with Wanda for everything that's happened, but she could be mad at her at a later date.

"Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability." The two girls turned to see one of robots floating high above them, its eyes red, speaking in Ultron's voice. Aline lifted a hand, and the thing crumpled and fell to the ground only for it to replaced. "You rise only to fall. You, Avengers, are my swift and terrible sword, and the earth will crack under the weight your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me; it means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."

"Oh, shut you, asshat!" Aline ran up a car and jumped, colliding with the robot. The two fell to the ground and Aline clamped her hands around its head. The skull shattered almost immediately.

"Hey, you okay?" she heard a male voice say, and she rolled onto her back, spotting Clint's outstretched hand.

The brunette gladly took it, hoisting herself up. "When the hell did you get here, Barton?" Aline dusted herself off and rolled her shoulders.

Steve's voice sounded on the comms. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back; you get killed, walk it off."

The tribrid rolled her neck and cracked her knuckles. She turned to Clint. "You think you can take care of her?" Aline asked, nodding her head to Wanda. "I wanna go... do some things." She lifted her hand to reveal the elongated claws. She didn't want Wanda to see her like that.

Clint nodded. "Yeah, you go on ahead. We'll be close by."



Shifting was always such an excruciatingly painful thing, despite her doing it for a thousand years. She'd never get used to the pain of shifting, her bones breaking and reshaping over and over to become that of a wolf's. But once she was fully formed, she absolutely loved it. There was a certain type of freedom that came with it, something that she always loved.

She dashed through the town, snapping robots in half with her jaws or tearing them apart with her claws. She had spotted Thor and Steve somewhere along the way, and while the god had nodded his head respectfully at her, Steve had nearly jumped at the large wolf. He wasn't used to most of Aline's things, her shifting being one of them. He had handled the magic and the soulmate thing, but the shifting and drinking blood was still something he hadn't managed to wrap his head around.

As she jumped onto one robot, she snapped her jaws around the robot's neck. Her teeth gripped onto the metal and she pulled back harshly, causing sparks to go flying. She spit out the metallic casing and wires, and turned her head.

Natasha wasn't that far from her, fighting off a few robots as well. Aline had impatiently waited for her to finish and once she had, she turned to look at the sandy brown wolf facing her. She broke out into a smile, lightly jogging towards the wolf. Aline had ran towards her as well. She kneeled down and held her arms out for Aline to run into, and the wolf instantly rubbed her face against Natasha's neck affectionately.

"Hey, kid," Natasha hummed, pressing a gentle kiss against Aline's head. "Don't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine. A little beat up, but fine." She stood up and pressed a hand to her hip. "Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?"

Aline suddenly turned her head, and Natasha knew that if she was human, Aline would be blushing madly and yelling, "She's not my girlfriend! Shut your face!" So, instead, she hit her on the cheek with her own face.

Natasha laughed. "Okay, okay, fine. Sorry. But go to her, I have a feeling you'll be happier with her."

Aline gave Natasha a gentle nudge before turning around and running through the destroyed city. A few people had actually shrieked at seeing the wild animal running down the streets, but they had quickly jumped out of her way. When she had eventually found Wanda and Clint, she made sure that she shifted before she caught up with them.

The pain once more was excruciating. It was something she'd gone through several times, and she had always cried as it happened, for the pain had overtaken all of her senses. It had always felt like her shifting took hours and hours, but it was merely a few minutes. She let out a pained whine and once she had shifted enough, she pressed a hand against her mouth to suppress her yell. Aline breathed heavily for a few minutes, remaining kneeling on the ground. She could feel sweat dripping down her face and neck, causing her hair to stick to the back of her neck. When she finally regained herself, she pushed herself up and managed to stand on her feet. She took a small step and immediately winced, and looked down to see a deep cut on her leg.

Aline looked down to see that her suit had actually managed. The black material still clung to her body, revealing the shape of her breasts and curves, and despite the small cut on her leg, it didn't appear to be damaged. She shrugged and rolled her neck, hearing it crack loudly as she rolled it in a circle.

Aline rounded the corner, to find Clint hiding behind a car, cornered by several robots. She was about to utter a spell when the door to a building shot open. Wanda stepped out, her eyes glowing brilliant red, and she threw her hand out, a red psionic ball of energy being launched at one robot. She threw her hands out once more, the red magic wrapping around several robots and destroying them. She let out a small exhale, proud of herself.

"Damn," Aline muttered, "that was hot. And I mean, like, really hot."

Wanda walked towards her, immediately checking the cut on Aline's leg. "Are you all right?" She pressed a hand to Aline's side.

"I'm fine," Aline shrugged. "I just need some blood and I'll be perfectly fine. Trust me." Wanda immediately gave her a funny look. "Right, right. Again, I'll explain it later." Aline pressed a finger against her comm. "Hey, yo, Stevie, we're all clear here."

"We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Steve's voice yelled and Aline smirked.

"All right, coming to you," Clint said.

Before the archer could say more, he was cut off by a flash of silver and blue running past him. "Keep up, old man!" Pietro yelled childishly, picking up his sister and dashing away.

Clint let out a long sigh and looked up. He aimed his bow at the speeding Maximoff. "Nobody would know. Nobody."

"Clint!" Aline chastised.

Reluctantly, he lowered his bow and started running forward, the tribrid following quickly behind. "The last I saw him, an Ultron was sitting on him. Yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard. I miss him already."

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