twenty-eight → why won't you just die?!

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( why won't you just die?! )

UPON ARRIVING IN SEOUL, Steve had almost immediately run off to find Helen Cho, while the others were sitting in the Quinjet, which was currently flying high above the South Korean city. Aline would have liked to have visited South Korea again but on a much, much lighter note. But of course, the life of an Avenger doesn't permit that.

Through the comms, they could all hear Helen weakly gasp something about the Cradle and the vibranium body inside. "Did you guys copy that?" Steve asked.

"We did," Clint said.

After checking something on a nearby screen, Natasha said, "I got a private jet taking off across town, no manifest. That could be him."

"There." Clint motioned his head outside to a large truck driving beneath them with the lab's logo on it. "It's the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver."

"Negative!" Steve said. "If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." At hearing that, Aline pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes. It's always something, she thought. Steve paused for a few moments before yelling, "Well, he's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way."

"You're not a match for him, Cap," Clint said.

Steve panted and said sarcastically, "Thanks, Barton."

They hovered around the truck, seeing Steve and Ultron battle atop the truck, exchanging several punches before Steve's shield falls in the street. "Goddamn it, Steve," Aline huffed and rolled her neck. "We got you that magnetized bracelet thing for a reason!" She turns to Natasha and motions with her head to the motorcycle. "Let's go help our boy in blue."

"Why the hell not?" Natasha said and the two women sat on it, with the assassin in the front. She allowed Aline to wrap her arms tightly around her body.

"We got a window," Clint announced. "Four, three... give 'em hell."

He lowered the Quinjet close to the street and the motorcycle dropped onto the ground with a thud, quickly weaving its way through the cars. As they drove, they spot Steve's shield on the ground. "Are we always picking up after you boys?" Natasha said before picking it up, setting it in the front of the motorcycle.

"Of course we are," Aline replied and rolled her neck. "They're boys."

"They're heading under the overpass, I've got no shot," Clint said.

"Which way?" Natasha asked.

"Hard right... now." As soon as he said that, Natasha turned immediately right, getting several car honks and people yelling at them. Aline tightened her grip on Natasha as she did this; while she knew that she wouldn't die from a motorcycle crash (and she trusted Natasha not to get into a crash), Aline would greatly prefer not to be flung from a very fast vehicle. They turned down alleys, weaved through people and cars, and after several moments later, they spotted Steve being strangled by Ultron, his back against the top of the truck.

"Cap!" Aline shouted and quickly tossed Steve his shield. Steve caught it, digging its edge into Ultron's neck. "See ya later, Nat." The hybrid jumped off the motorcycle, flipping through the air as she landed on the top of the truck.

"Get off my friend, asshole!" Aline said, waving her hand and Ultron skidded across the truck. She rushed over to fallen captain, helping him up. Immediately, she felt a cold hand wrap around the back of her neck and toss her aside. Her body fell against the metal of the truck. She groaned as she rolled onto her back, her hair whipping violently. Everything in her hurt badly. Aline watched as Ultron and Steve fought violently, seeing the two jump up and meet each other in the middle, being tossed into a nearby passing train.

She groaned. "Why can't we just stay in one place?" she shouted. Then she muttered a quick spell and jumped into the passing train with them. Aline dashed towards Ultron, aware of the passengers watching the fight, and slammed her fist against his face. "Why won't you just die?!" Aline once again groaned as her fingers met the hard metallic surface and her knuckles instantly started to bleed. "Ow, come on! You son of a 一" Her speech was cut off when Ultron's hand formed into a fist and punched her harshly in the cheek.

Aline was easily thrown across the train compartment, clutching her aching cheek. She was almost positive that a nasty cut had formed on her cheek and blood was pouring from the wound, but she didn't do anything to heal it. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Ultron crouching over Steve. But she saw something slam roughly into Ultron, causing the robot to turn in anger. In front of him stood Pietro Maximoff. The moment Ultron took a step towards him, the railings above pulled itself down to cover his path, covered in red mist. He whipped around, staring at the figure behind Aline.

Aline looked to find Wanda standing above her, her hands crossed and wrapped in the same mist as the railings. She had a stern gaze poised at Ultron, but when she briefly looked at Aline, she smiled. Miracles really do happen, Aline thought.

"Please, don't do this," Ultron begged.

"What choice do we have?" Wanda spat.

Ultron turned and shot at Pietro, who quickly dodged out of the way. Instead, the beam hit the wall behind him and the conductor as well. Like a coward, the robot jumped out and left the four heroes.

Aline suddenly felt gentle hands tug at her body, and she turned, seeing it was Wanda helping her up. She accepted the Sokovian's help, pulling herself up to stand on both feet. To steady herself, she pressed both of her hands on Wanda's shoulders. "Thank you," she said.

A/N: happy new year, you guys!! i
hope you guys are having a great
year so far. it would also mean a
lot if you guys went and checked
out my brand new story "titan"

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