First Kiss

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PONYBOY: Neither of you had your first kiss before and you wanted this one to be special. You two met at the park and talked until Ponyboy softly pressed his lips against yours and it was magical.

JOHNNY: Your parents were fighting and your mom slapped you. You ran to the lot where you met Johnny, he comforted you til you stopped crying. He nervously got close to going in for a kiss. Johnny stopped and sat up you pulled him into the failed kiss. Who knew Johnny was such a good kisser.

STEVE: You were hanging out with your boyfriend while he fixing up a car. When he came out from under it you decided it was a good idea to smear oil on his nose he then wiped a whole bunch on forehead before you knew it was a whole oil fight. You both stopped when you realized there was oil the customer's car. "Busted." You laughed into Steve's chest when he held you by the chin and kissed you.

DALLY: You and Dally just got into an argument. Things were being thrown everywhere. "I KNOW YOU TOOK IT DALLAS!" You had lost your dad's switchblade, your lucky switchblade and you had a feeling Dally stole it with the thieving self he is. "I WOULDN'T STEAL SOMETHING LIKE THAT FROM YOU (Y/N) I KNOW HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO YOU. And if you really lost it why don't you take mine." He reached in his pocket he took out his favorite switch. "Its alright babe, I have mine," you said pulling out the apparently missing blade giving Dallas an evil smirk. Dally pushed you to a wall and held your hands down."You're just all big and bad ain't you?" He roughly pushed his lips against yours. You liked it.

DARRY: Darry hurt his lower back during work and he asked you to help him. While you massaged him he turned on his back. "Thanks for all this hun your the best." You smiled and he pulled you under him by surprise. "Y-your welcome." You pulled his head down and connected your lips.

TWO-BIT: Long story short you two were as drunk as drunk can be. Basically slurring all of your words. "Two-Bit you are absoLUTely the best boyfriend a girl could ask for." Two was kind of quiet though. "Two what's the matter." He grabbed you and kissed you. "You're the best girlfriend ever (Y/N)." After that you guys woke up thrown on the couch and didn't remember a thing.

(Y/N) and I hung out at the park like we do every afternoon but I noticed something different about my girl. She was quiet. "Babe what's wrong you've been quiet all noon, haven't heard a peep outta ya."
"Have you ever kissed anyone Soda?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why, haven't you?" She slumped her head down. "No, just because I did want it to be with some guy I was never gonna last with... and I don't know how." I laughed making her head come back up. "Well that's why cause you haven't! Come here I'll teach you." I saw (Y/N) blush at my remark. I pulled her in from the waist and softly kissed her. "You're pretty good for a rookie." She punched my arm and we walked back home.

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