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December 28
When I woke up at noon, Chris and the girls were gone. Joyce was still here. I didn't have to see her to know she was here. I could hear her.

She was always here, cleaning up, as if Chris and I weren't capable. We were, but we also had a maid. I paid her good money to come in and make things spotless.

Joyce just loved nitpicking. She loved to tell me when my home wasn't clean to her standards and when my food wasn't to her liking. Her favorite complaint was how much time I spent away from home.

What did she expect me to do? Not promote my brand and my art? Someone had to pay for this house.

Speaking of...

I picked my rose gold iPhone up off of the night stand and dialed my assistant.

She picked up on the first ring, as always.

"Hey Rih. I was just about to give you a wake up call." I could hear the smile through her voice. "You've got your interview and photoshoot with Vogue today."


"The reporter should be by in two and a half hours. The glam team and I should be there in a few minutes. We're pulling up at the gate now."

"See ya soon." I said. "Wait, when you get here do me a favor and get rid of Joyce."

"Yes m'am!"

She was always so excited to do whatever I asked of her.

I hung up and placed my phone on the night stand again. Next to it was my iPhone 6.  I picked it up and opened my Twitter app to give my fans an update on what I'd be doing today then I opened my Instagram app.

I had a lot of notifications from my fans liking pictures, commenting, and tagging me in their own.

The newest one I'd been tagged in was a photo of Chris and the girls playing in the park. I went to the account's profile and looked at the other pictures. Chris had taken the girls to the doctor then out for some ice cream.

I liked the five photos, then followed the page for good measure. Almost immediately I got an additional notification from the same account, thanking me for following and liking.

I smiled and closed the app then put the phone back down.

I had three phones. My rose gold iPhone was for business purposes. My iPhone 6 was for my social media presence. Samsung had sent me their newest Galaxy for Christmas due to the fact that Samsung was buying 1 million copies of my next album for the exclusive rights to promotion and videos. I decided to use that one for personal use and toss out my third iPhone.

I checked that one next.

I had some texts from Chris telling me where he was going and some videos of the girls.

We still hadn't talked about what had happened between Royalty and I and I honestly didn't want to. Talking about it would only cause more problems. I'd just kept my distance from her.  She's done the same with me.

I texted him back to be safe before finally rolling out of bed.

It was time to start my day.

"Dizzy said-"

"Royalty, please. I asked you not to talk about Dizzy at home anymore." I said exhausted.

My Crazy Ex: I Love My WifeWhere stories live. Discover now