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(I apologize for the terrible couple name, didn't come up with anything else 😅. I couldn't come up with a real title, sorry)

(Ross and Taylor walked home hand in hand in silence, not awkward silence, peaceful silence)

Taylor: Ross?

Ross: Yeah?

Taylor: How long have you felt this way?

Ross: For a while..., I wasn't sure how I felt about you, until now. The question is, how long have YOU felt this way? (smirking)

Taylor: I wasn't sure about how I felt about you either. Until now.

Ross: (smiling) I love you Taylor.

Taylor: (smiling) I love you too.

(Taylor and Ross unlock the door to find Riker, Rocky, Rydel, and Ryland sitting on the couch with worried expressions)

Rydel: Taylor! Ross! Thank goodness your back. Umm...Are you okay Taylor?

Taylor: Yeah I'm fine. Promise.

(Rydel looks down at their hands noticing that they are locked together)

Rydel:(smirking) What's this?

(Taylor drags Rydel upstairs to her room to tell her everything that happened)

Taylor: Okay, you see I was talking to Ross,...he kissed me,...I ran out,...we talked,...and....

Rydel: What is it? Spill!

Taylor: He's my boyfriend.

(Rydel looks at her in confusion)

Rydel: What?

Taylor: He's my boyfriend. Now.

(Rydel's face changes from confusion to happiness and excitement)

Rydel: O.M.G, I knew it!!

Taylor:(blushing) Of course you did.

Rydel: He's your boyfriend now!! So now you two will be closer than EVER!

(The words "closer than ever" repeated in her head over and over)

Taylor: That isn't so good....

Rydel: What do you mean? It's amazing!

Taylor: What if something bad happens to me, or him? He'd be heartbroken. If something happened to him, I'd be heartbroken. We'd care about each other too much. That can mess up someone's life.

Rydel: Relax, that won't happen he loves you, alot. He won't let anything happen to you. Plus, your his body guard, you CAN'T let anything happen to him. Technically.

Taylor:(laughing) I guess you're right. Technically. C'mon, let's go see what the others are up to.

Rydel: HEY, we should make cookies!

Taylor: YES, let's go.

------------------Ross P.O.V-------------------------
(Ross and his brother's are down stairs playing video games and instruments, mainly the guitar)

Ross thoughts: Today at can't even describe today. Taylor got kidnapped, we rescued her, I kissed her, she ran off, we talked, she's my girlfriend. I think today was great. Sort of.

Riker: Ross?!

Ross: What??

Riker: You dozed off! We lost level 8! What were you thinking?!

Ross: Huh, um, nothing.

Riker: Little bro, your great at a lot of things, but lying ain't one of them. So start talking.

Ross: Why, it's none of your business!

Ryland:(smiling) C'mon guys, let's leave "lover boy" alone!

Ross: Yeah, really classic.

Ryland: Yup!

Riker: Oh, so this is about Taylor.(laughs) I should've known. What happened?

Ross: Nothing (blushes)

Riker: Well if you won't tell us th-

(Rydel and Taylor walk down stairs)

Rydel: Hey guys, were making cookies. What kind of cookies do you want.

Riker: Chocolate chip!

Rocky: Peanut butter!

Ryland: Sugar, I want sugar!

Taylor: Whoever gets to the kitchen first gets their pick!

(The three boys dash to the kitchen, Taylor quickly follows)

Ross: Aren't you going with them?

Rydel: Nope, I need to talk to you--

Ross: I don't really want to talk right now.

Rydel: Hmm, alright, do you wanna make cookies with us?

Ross: No, not really. I'll see you in the morning.

Rydel: Okay, i'll do my best to save you some cookies. Kay?

Ross: Cool.

(Rydel leaves the room and turns out the light)

Ross's thoughts: I wanna go make cookies with them, but my leg hurts and so does my head. I'm just gonna get some sleep.(yawns) Goood night.

THE END!! (of this chapter)

Hello my fellow pizza squares, I haven't updated in like a week or so, I hope you enjoy this chapter. There will be SO much more drama in the next chapter, please be sure to:




-Love you!!! ~ Taylor

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