Stay With Me

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(Ross wakes up to the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. He suddenly gets a sharp pain in left leg)

Ross's thoughts: Crap, my leg doesn't feel any better than yesterday. I still don't understand why my leg is purple. I think it's gotten worse. I need a doctor. ASAP. If I have the energy to get up.

(Rydel walks to his bed and shakes his shoulder)

Ross: What??

Rydel: First of all, good morning, second of all, are you okay? I managed to save you 5 sugar cookies. Ryland won the race.

Ross: I'm fine, my leg just hurts. Really bad.

Rydel: I'll help you upstairs, did your leg color change at all?

Ross: No it go-- wait a minute, how'd you know? I never told you.

Rydel: Taylor told me. Answer?

Ross: Oh, where is she anyway?

Rydel: She's still asleep, let me help you up.

Ross: The color might of gotten worse. I need a doctor.

Rydel: Let's see what Taylor thinks.

Ross: Wait, where's Scarlett?!

Rydel: She's asleep. We actually had fun last night. We all laughed and talked, after you fell asleep.

Ross: Okay, just making sure. It's kinda hard to trust her. After...everything.

Rydel: Relax, she's cool. Let's go get Taylor, and some breakfast.

--------------Taylor's P.O.V.----------------

(Taylor's Dreams)

(Taylor wakes up in a dark room with a spotlight on her)

Taylor's thoughts: Where am I?? Where is everyone else?!

Taylor: Hello?!? Rydel?!!...Riker??!....ROSS!! Where are you??!

Ross: I'm right here.

(Taylor looks behind her and sees Ross standing there)

Taylor: Ross!!

(Taylor runs to him wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing him to a tight hug)

Taylor: I'm so glad to see you, where is everyone else?

Ross: Funny, I never wanna see you again.

Taylor: What?

Ross: I'm breaking up with you. I don't like you. Never have. Never will.

Taylor: Is this some kind of sick joke?! It's not funny. At all.

Ross: You have nobody. Your pathetic.

(Ross walks into the shadows and disappears. Tears streaming down Taylor's face)

Taylor's thoughts: I-I can't believe this. He told told me...I'm pathetic. What did I ever see in him.

(Taylor starts kicking and screaming things. Tears in her eyes the whole time. Rydel comes out of nowhere)

Rydel: Taylor?

Taylor: Rydel..? RYDEL!!

(Taylor runs over to Rydel giving her a tight hug)

Rydel: Um...Taylor? You've gotta wake up now.

Taylor: What?

Rydel: WAKE UP!!

(Taylor wakes up to Rydel and Ross standing over her)

The Secret Life of Ross Lynch (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now