Private Messaging

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A/N I hope you like this chapter!
Taylor's P.O.V

The next morning I find myself asleep in bed. I slept on the floor last night, how'd I get in here? I look over to where I was sleeping and quietly laugh to myself. Ross is sleeping there. He must've put me here and slept in my spot. I was pretty uncomfortable sleeping there, he must've saw it and moved me. How cute.

I climb out of bed without waking him and walk over too him. He's looks completely knocked out. I lean my hand out to shake him awake then hesitate. I think I'll just wake him when breakfast is done. I tip toe away to my phone. Just when I was about to pick it up, it buzzes. I pick it up and look through my messages, it's from an Unknown number. I open the message and slowly read it. Oh my god.

'Hey there! You must be who Ross is with right? Listen I've been watching him for a very long time. We've been through so much together, I don't want that taken away from me. I give you one chance to walk out of his life. If not, there will be consequences.... And don't try telling anyone, I have eyes everywhere. Tell him I love him, and I'm waiting for him, bye now!'

I immediately drop my phone on the carpet and gasp loudly. Why? I thought it was over! Well, not completely over, but now this! So I have to deal with his doctor AND stalker! Why did this have to happen?! I guess I either gasped really loudly or dropped my phone pretty hard because Ross shot up from his sleep like he had a bad dream.

"Wh-what okay." He asked groggily trying to sit up.

"Ross we gotta go." I say grabbing my phone.


"We gotta go!" I say even louder running across the hall to Rydel's room.

I can't wait here even for a second! We're going to Headquarters,Right now. I just gotta get changed a do my hair.

"Tay!" Ross yells for me.

I run over to the room and stop at the doorway.

"Yeah?" I ask in between sighs. I didn't even realize how fast I was going.

"What's going on? Why are we leaving?" He asks.

"Because of this." I reply giving him my phone that was already opened into iMessage.

He took it and started reading it. I ran to the bathroom brushed my teeth and hair, and got changed into a pair of denim jeans, a white Hollister shirt and black leather jacket, with my black boots. The same boots that carry tiny tranquilizer guns. I'm ready, now about Ross.

I speed walk back to Ross's room to find him...gone? I check his bed, his bathroom, his closest, he's not there. He couldn't have gone downstairs...could he? He CAN kind if walk. With that thought in mind, I race downstairs to the living room, nothing, then the kitchen, nothing, the basement, nothing! Then I check the backyard, NOTHING! Where is he?! Then I remember he has his brothers and sister. He might be with them.

I run back upstairs to Rocky's room, then Rydel's, Ryland's, then Riker's, and sure enough, he was there.

"Hey Tay what's going on? Why is sleepy over here asking me to help him up?" Riker asks pointing to Ross.

"Cause we're going to the T.T.A, are you coming?" I ask grabbing my phone and shoving it in my pocket.

"No, I just might hold you guys down. Go ahead, hurry.

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