Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Neither of us looked at each other as we ascended the stairs of the venue. Halfway up, Kyler grabbed my hand and quickened his pace. I noticed that a whispering had started and multiple people glanced our way. Dayum. I can’t believe Kyler didn’t even buy any cardigans or jackets or blazers or anything to wear on top. His entire selection was dresses and heels. I felt so naked in a chiffon dress. I was fuming inside my head when Kyler stopped abruptly and I banged into his back.

“Sorry.” I muttered and looked around to see why he had stopped. I frowned. We were in the middle of the gazillion stairs that we had to go up and there was no-one in particular that was around for him to talk to. “Why did you stop?” I made eye contact for the first time since we left the hotel.

“You were spacing out.” He looked at me carefully before saying his next statement. “It’s only a kiss. You really have to get used to this otherwise …”

“You’re a jerk. Let’s go.” I almost gaped at his words but managed to push down some anger. I hurried up the stairs and heard Kyler’s footsteps behind mine. After a awful five minutes, I arrived at the top of the stairs.

“God. Why is this event held in such an inconvenient place? Don’t people usually go through a heap of pros and cons before deciding on where they hold such events?” I spoke irritated.

“The interior of this place is amazing. I’ve been here quite a number of times and it’s still breathtaking. Totally worth the steps.”

“Really?” I felt a slight bit suspicious but I also felt the anticipation of seeing the interior, seeing as Kyler had such a high opinion of it. And boy, it didn’t disappoint.

It looked like the interior of a fairytale castle. The marble floor was polished to the point that it literally sparkled. Crystal chandeliers hung over ceiling and the lights gave off a certain elegant glow. The colour scheme ran through the entire building. Cream walls, sofas, tables, staircases, everything. Plaques, medals, trophies – the lot, were displayed in multiple glass cabinets. I would have thought that they were hanging in midair if it wasn’t for the fact that I could clearly see the creamy white frame of the cabinets. There was a wide window on one side giving us a panorama of the night lights.

Kyler wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me towards the patio out the back. I didn’t even protest; I was in awe of the whole thing. As if God decided to bless me with another mind-blowing view; as we approached the sliding door that led out to the backyard, I was met with the view of a three levelled fountain that sprayed water in almost every possible direction. A sculpture was situated on the top. I squinted trying to make out what it was.

“That’s Angelo Adriano. He’s the owner of this house. It’s his birthday tonight. He’s Greek if you couldn’t already tell.” Kyler pushed open the door.

“Y-you mean the Angelo Adriano?” I spluttered in surprise.

“So you do know him.” He stated matter-of-factly.

“Everyone knows him. He like built the most successful airline company from scratch.” I went up an octave and looked at him incredulously.

“What?” He raised an eyebrow. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

“How do you know him?” I grabbed his arm.

“He had his wedding at our hotel.”

“Wow. So you just celebrated your birthday and now you have to celebrate another?” He shrugged and led me towards the crowd of people outside. People were laughing and celebrating. The atmosphere was just right. Many people came up and wished him a happy birthday. I was wondering why Kyler wasn’t going up when I noticed him ambling towards us.

“Kyler Thorne!” He boomed his greeting and laughed. “It’s great to see you again. Still working hard?” He laughed again at his own joke, drawing laughter from others. I guess it was pretty funny the way he said it as if Kyler was doing his homework, not managing a huge conglomerate.

“The man himself appears.” Kyler cracked a smile and nodded a greeting. “Happy Birthday Angelo. It’s funny how we must celebrate the aging of mankind.” He grabbed a champagne glass from a waiter who brushed past and held it up.

“It is indeed. Now, is this lovely lady beside you the one?” I could feel all eyes focus on us and listen carefully for the answer to the question they all wanted to ask. I noticed Kyler sipping his champagne carefully analysing the guests for anyone with an odd reaction.

“She is. Angelo this is my girlfriend Serenity. Reni, this is Angelo.” He did a quick introduction and I stepped forward slightly.

“Hi! I’m Serenity Taylor. I hope you have a wonderful night. Happy Birthday.” I smiled warmly at him and he gave another loud laugh.

“So ladies and gentleman, I asked the question and there’s your answer. On with the evening!” Angelo waved his hand and everyone looked away. “Reni, you must come meet my wife.” He gestured to the other side of the backyard and Kyler let go of my waist. “Kyler! You must come too.” He waved gesturing for us to follow him. I followed him to the other side and a beautiful middle aged woman came out of the crowd towards us.

“Honey, who’s this with Kyler?” She came forward and stood beside Angelo.

“Pattie, this is Kyler’s new girlfriend. You know, the one that made the news and everything?” He gave her a quick recap and I stood beside Kyler, slight bit awkward.

“Ahh. Right. I’m Patricia.” She raised her glass and I stood there not knowing what to do because I didn’t have a glass yet. Luckily a waiter seemed to have seen it and came rushing over. I grabbed a glass thankfully and raised it to meet hers.

“I’m Serenity.” We bought over glasses to our lips and sipped. Then Kyler excused us and began to talk to multiple other people about …. business. Surprise! Surprise! I stood beside him introducing myself to anyone he talked to and then keeping quiet and listening to him go on about some deal or possible contract with someone else.

Halfway through the party, she pulled me over to one side and began to have a girl on girl talk.

“It’s about time Kyler got a girlfriend. He’s so cold to everyone.” She murmured quietly. She brightened up as she turned to me. “Hey. I’ve got a surprise for Angelo. You’ll help me right?” She had a youthful twinkle in her eyes and I immediately said yes.

“Well, there’s a detonator inside. Press it and his surprise will appear. I want to be here when he sees it so can you do it for me? I’ll wave at you and you set it off. A friend of mine was meant to do it but she couldn’t make it tonight.” I nodded and she gave me a quick description of the route to the room it was in.

I walked up the stairs at a slow pace, taking in my surroundings. The paintings, portraits, photos certificates. He had an amazing collection. Making my way quickly to the top of the stairs, I stepped lightly onto the carpet. It felt like a crime to tread over such a stunning carpet. I counted the rooms before entering the one Patricia said it was in. I found the detonator easily and leaned out the window holding it. Once Patricia saw me she waved and I pressed the button.

At once, dazzling white fireworks hit the sky, all positioned to spell the words “Happy Birthday Angelo!” I laughed at her surprise. I gripped the window sill as the normal fireworks began in dazzling colours, covering the sky with the most magnificent display.

Many people called out “Happy Birthday!” along with the fireworks and I was about to shout it out as well when I felt a presence behind me. I whipped around but was knocked unconscious before I could even see who it was.


You guys want to know something interesting?

I sent my english teacher the task sheet instead of my actual assignment =='

Am I really careless or what?



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