Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“She’s waking.” A gruff voice called and I heard it echo round the room. I wanted to rub my eyes, feeling groggy and tired. That’s when I felt the tug on my hands as I tried to move them. I was instantly awake and alert. That’s when I remembered. Oh shit. I tilt my head back and sure enough my hands were tied around a chair. Looking down at my legs, each one was tied to the chair. I let a whimper escape. Big mistake. The two masked men laughed.

“Ha. She’s scared.” A fairly chubby man spoke in amusement.

“Of course, why wouldn’t she be?” The first man spoke again. He had a lean body frame. This reminded me of the villains from Home Alone except this was real. Really real.

“How much are you going to ask for?” Chubby asked.

“She’s a prize. Beautiful. Upper class.  Tell him to deliver one billion in half an hour. I’ll carve a scar into her face for every half an hour he’s late.” Lean ordered. Obvious leader here.

“How do we call him?” Chubby had run to the door then come back to ask.

“Using her phone, duh. You’re so stupid. That’s why our company failed.” The lean man hissed, handing him my phone. I struggled against my rope at the sight of it being passed through two strangers’ hands but the lean man slapped me across the face. I’m sure if someone had captured the moment, I would have had a sheer look of terror, passing across my face.

“Right, brother.” Chubby saluted and began to run away with my phone when the lean man hit him with a folder.

“Why did you let her know that? Stay here and call. You’ll probably slip up again in the call.” He hissed again. I felt that instant dislike for him. I winced at the pain in my cheek - I couldn’t even massage it.

“Sorry.” Chubby guy apologised to Lean and dialled the contact titled with Kyler’s name and as expected Kyler, without fail, picked up his phone. It hadn’t even rang for long.

“Serenity, where the hell are you? I’ve been looking everyw-”

“Kyler Thorne?” Chubby asked questioningly before the phone was snatched away from him.

“Kyler Thorne.” Lean boomed. “I’ll get straight to it. We have your girlfriend.”

Silence passed through before he spoke again. “Let me hear her.” Lean pressed his bony finger on the loudspeaker button and nudged me.

“Kyler…” I began, hearing the fear creep out of my voice.

“Fuck.” Kyler swore and the phone was taken away from me. “What do you want?” I could hear him ask.

“One billion dollars in half an hour.” Lean sneered.

“That’s not happening.” Kyler spoke calmly through the phone and my heart just sank. He won’t waste one billion to come save me. I wasn’t even his real girlfriend.

“Yes it is. And for every half an hour you’re late, that’s a scar on the pretty girl’s face.”

“I can’t get a billion dollars up in half an hour.” He tried to reason with them.

“I don’t care. One billion in half an hour. Deposit the case at the harbour.” He hung up the phone and turned his attention back to me.

“Your boyfriend doesn’t seem to care much about you.” Lean commented and I glared at him.

“He just told you himself. He can’t get one billion up in half an hour.” I repeated wondering if the guy just didn’t get it.

“He will. Trust me.”

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