Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

“I’m so sorry.” I got up and pulled her into a hug. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.” She cried. “For a second, I thought he would say yes but he just laughed and said he liked me too. I grabbed onto to his sleeve and said I was serious. He turned around and pried my fingers off before disappearing from sight.”

“When’s your next class?” I asked as I rubbed my hands comfortingly up and down her back.

“Three days. I’ve got the weekend off.” She sniffed pulling away and wiping her eyes.

“Stay here for the weekend. I’m sure if you ask the chef would prepare the best heartbreak healing meal possible.” She smiled at my comment.

“You look like you have somewhere to go. Don’t worry about me. I’m sure the chef will keep me company.” She backed away and left the room.

I grabbed my valuables and called the chauffeur. As I stepped into the car, Tommy greeted me with a smile and asked where I would like to go.

“Columbia University, thanks.”


I walked down the stone footpath and admired the magnificent building that stood at the end. I observed the faces of happy couples walking by and some students studying furiously on benches. With every step I took, I wondered if that was what I missed out on – the fun and experience of university. I walked into the office and asked to see Bill Channington. The lady asked me to sign a ledger and pointed me on my way.

Once I arrived at his department, I opened the door and easily spotted him. Bill looked up and smiled. “Serenity, to what do I owe the honour?” I raised an eyebrow at him and his face fell.

“Oh.” He replied. “Let’s take this back to my dorm room.” He left the group of people he was with and led me to his room. A few of his friends whistled and I turned and glared at them.

“It’s just something they do. Don’t take it to heart.” He explained as we walked down the hallway. “Anyway, how old are you?” I gave him a pointed look and he hurried added, “You seem a bit too young to not be in uni.”

“I’m twenty two. I dropped out of uni after my first year.” I answered simply.

“Did something happen?” He asked curiously and I smiled softly. I don’t regret the decision but sometimes I wish I could have experienced more of it.

“My best friend has just graduated and he offered me an amazing partnership deal in a career that I love so I took it. He had allowed me to continue uni but taking risks are necessary for good things to happen. I dropped out of uni and gave my full attention to the job. It paid off. I’m happy with where we are now.”

“Impressive.” He commented as he held open the door. I walked in and scanned the messy room, clothes strewn everywhere and books lying around the bed.

“Impressive room.” I threw his words back at him and he laughed, running a hand through his hair nervously.

“Umm, I wasn’t expecting any visitors so …” I threw a jumper off a chair and sat down. Shrugging off my coat, I gestured towards the bed and he sat down as well.

“Is she okay?” He asked after a few moments passed.

“What do you think?” My voice came out harsh and I didn’t even attempt to soften my look. “She came to me and burst into tears.”

“Why did you reject her? I can tell you like her.” I asked gently this time, taking the jump and risk, hoping I wasn’t wrong. I arranged my face so my uncertainty didn’t show.

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