chapter 4

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No one pov

Naruto was suddenly stopped by sasuke Naruto was trying really hard not to cry in front of him Naruto turned around bitting his tongue trying not to cry

"what do you want" Naruto asked sasuke"isn't this what you want I will not talk to you anymore just let go of my hands" Naruto continued speaking

Sasuke suddenly pull Naruto near him and kissed him naruto's eyes widened and closed his eyes slowlyas tears slowly dripping in his cheeks and slowly enjoying the kiss sasuke licked naruto's lips and Naruto gasped and sasuke took the opportunity to get his tongue inside of him to explore every part of naruto's mouth they pushed back to breath making a string of saliva in Naruto and sasuke's mouth sasuke hugged Naruto and whisper to naruto "I will make you fall in love with me and you will be mine forever " Naruto flushed with deep red while hearing sasuke whisper in a sexy voice sasuke pushed back and saw Naruto in flushed he kissed him one more time and leave the room naruto's knee cannot continue to support his body and fell down in his knee and blushed kyuubi talked to naruto and said "you'll be in big trouble kit, good luck" Naruto suddenly get up and told to the kyuubi "shut up".

Next day
Naruto's pov
I saw sasuke waiting at the gate and saw him waving his hand and I wave my hand back at him as I look back I saw many of sasuke's fangirls and runing towards him I run too just because of the stupid fangirls of sasuke I fell and I was going to get up and saw infront of me sasuke's hand while he said "dobe" and I returned the favor and said "teme" i grab his hand  and sasuke pull me back up and we stared at each other not knowing what to talk about and I suddenly break the silence and said "how about let's go now before we came in late" i smiled and saw sasuke in light pink and I just thought did I say something embarrasing and sasuke said back okay" we ran to the classroom and opened the door and got to our sit.

Time skip

I was going to go home but then sasuke stopped me by grabbing my hand he said To me "can I go to your house" i just nodded without knowing anything. And we started to walk to my house.

Time skip

"Mom, dad i'm home" i said as I heard my mom said "welcome home"

She saw me with a visitor she smiled and go in front of sasuke and said "you must be naruto's friend nice to meet you i'm kushina and his father's name is minato. Come in come in!" sasuke come in with Naruto they sat down in the table with silence. Sasuke broke the silence off by saying "Umm. Kushina-san, can I have Naruto as my wife" we were all shocked

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