chapter 10

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Naruto's pov

"what!, why does he wants to see me again and how the hell did he know i'm back, don't tell that ino told him, urgh, what am I supposed to do now.." i said with anger and itachi replied "at first you need to calm down and i'll just tell him he'll meet with you at yuru and yuri's birthday okay, and tell him to bring presents too, for the twins"

"okay, thanks for that Itachi.... Oh yeah if you and your family got time why not go too" and Itachi said yes and I go down and told my parents about this at first they were angry but when I tried to explain to them that the twins would be very happy too... And they just agree... So i went to look for yuru and yuri asking "hey yuru and yuri your going to school next week so do you want to go shopping tomorrow"

The twins smiled happily and they said "yes" and I just giggled and said "okay, but you need to sleep early" they lay down and started to close their eyes.... Yuri opened his eyes and said to yuru "do you think we will see our dad again.... I mean when we talk to mom about it he just seemed so sad like he never wants to talk about him... Do you think we will see him" yuru just smiled and touch yuri's cheek and said "everything's gonna be alright... I asure you maybe we will meet our dad again okay" and yuru gave yuri a kiss on the forehead. Yuri smiled and said "your right" and they went to sleep.

The next day

I went to their room and saw them hugging each other. I smiled at the cute view of my two cute babies... I shook them and said "it's time to wake now my little babies" the two of them wake up but the first o one to wake up is yuru and yuri is stil drowsing and when I look at yuru he giggled and I just saw something I think I shoudn't have but they are cute so what they did is yuru put his hands in yuri again and kiss him in the forehead and goes to the ears and said "wake up yuri or else i'm eating all the dessert" then yuri woke up and goes to the side of the bed and I think hes is blushing right now I giggled at the two of them... They looked at me and had their face confused because they acted like i'm not here and yuru light blush while yuri is blushing bright red and his face is like a tomato... And I said to them to wake up and wash your face and brush your teeth and go down to eat they go quickly in the bathroom and I walk down and prepare our breakfast... Then I heard a knock and I said "wait a minute" and I walk Infront of the door and opened it and again I think I just saw something I shoudn't have.

Hello guys I want to thank you for reading my book and I was thinking of making yuru and yuri a thing so yeah and I will change yuri's hair color and it will be blonde like naruto and yeah so tell me what you think about it and if your okay with it i'm gonna be happy and if not then I am so sorry for putting this forbidden love together I mean a boy and boy first forbidden and then brothers that's gonna be something and i'll have fun creating it so many things to think about if it's like this and yeah so see you next time and I don't own naruto

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