christmas special

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Naruto's pov

I woke up earlier than usual and look at my side and my boyfriend is by my side still sleeping peacefully. I didn't move from my place not wanting for this to stop. As my head and hand on his chest while his hands on my hips and his head on top of my head. I move closer to him. After a while I heard him groan and saw his eyes open. "good morning, naru" he said. I thought of something funny. So i smiled and said "good morning to you too sasu-chan~" i said in a teasing sound. He was getting angry until I saw an angry face with a smirk which is really dangerous for me. He get away from the hug which made me kinda lonely. He then sit up and looked at me with 'i-will-teach-you-a-lesson-you-will- notforget' face. I started to act like I qas scared but then sasuke's hands were up and I thought I knew what he is gonna do and I started to prepare myself for the....kiss"hahahahahahahahah" wait did I just laugh then I look down and saw his hands on my hips I then started to laugh again and said. "sa-sa haha sasuke gi-give hahaha" i said. Sasuke let go and said "good you learned a lesson today now how about another lesson later or Tom." he winked at i. I looked at him confused and then he closed tha gap between us making him near my ear. "you know the lesson on how to ride me". With that my face looked like it was blown up. Sasuke laughed and look at me . Because I think I am cute I put my hands on my lips and blow a kiss. He blushed and I just went closer to him and kiss him. "sa-su-ke-kun~, you better be careful because if I did learn that move then someone will have a nosebleed. How about think about it now". He blushed and said "i don't care as long as I have my cute uke by my side". I started to get irritated and was about to speak again before my cute little son came in "Mom where is the food and what is uke". I started to sweat because only yuri knows the word kiss if it's in the sexual world. Of course yuru knows the word I think because he is behind yuri and said "that is someone like you yuri". I was shocked and good thing yuri still didn't understand. He had a cute confused 😕 face there. I stood up and said "come on we still need to eat because yuri said he is hungry so let's eat, shall we". Yuri nodded happily while yuru just......... JUST SAID THE WORD hn, where did he learn that maybe from his father. Yuru went down also. I glared at sasuke and said "teme you taught our son that word hn, hmm" but he just kissed me and said "like father like son, right". I got angry again and just went down to see yuri cooking..... When did he learn how to cook.... They grow up so fast..."Mom today is Christmas" yuri said jumping around happily. I just smiled and said "okay okay but first we need to eat okay then we are gonna play some games like just Dance, then we are gonna open the presents". They just nodded and we ate and had fun playong xbox. Finally, we are gonna open the present some of the present are given by my friends and sasuke's. We opened the present and went to sleep.

Sorry if it is too short and I didn't give some specific things and didn't focus much in Christmas and all.... Well merry Christmas and have a happy new year.. Oh yeah new year special before new year. Well until next time bye bye and again i am so sorry🙏
Sorry if it is too early just ppushed the wrong button but I hope you enjoy it

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