chapter 9

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Naruto's pov

Wait, gonna have...... Does that mean that he does not have a girlfriend all this years and........ Wait is he waiting for me to appear again or gonna wait for me to come back to tokyo..... And right now i know i have a confused look on my face so i asked itachi and mikoto-san "ummm, mikoto-san, did i heard you right, gonna have grand child"

And i saw mikoto just nodded and ask them "why i thought that him and sakura are dating?"

Itachi looked at me while starting or going to laugh i looked more confused.... Then itachi said "are you sure on what your saying" i just titled my head and said"yeah, why"

Itachi looked at me again while there's tears in his eyes i thought tears of joy he said to me"if i remember correctly i saw sasuke sometimes have bugs in his hands...pffft.... So i tried stalking him on what he was gonna do and what i saw is sasuke having fun pranking some pinky haired girl which i believe is named sakura"

I still can't believe it but oh well... I let out a sigh and said "shall i introduce you to my and sasuke's child, but please please, keep it a secret"

So we went and search for the twins and suddenly let out a groan i think they heard it but who cares i mean why is it the uchiha family out on a day like this and i mean why do i have to meet every person in the family of the father of my child ugh...... This is just the great day ever i mean seeing the uchiha family but sasuke is not joined today may help me explaining it all over again so i just told itachi and misato "ummm, itachi and misato-san can you please just say it to fugaku-san about the choldren and stuff"

Then as i was about to go to the twins i felt a grip in my hands and said "what" and i looked and see itachi holding my hands he said "why did you go so far away just to hide that you have children" i looked back and answered the damn question "it's because i saw him and sakura kissed and i thought he cheated on me" i start to feel tears on my eyes and itachi let go and said "it's okay, i'm sure he did it for some reason kissing that ugly girl"

I chuckled at what he said and just let it off i called for the tins and they said "mommy we want this book too, can you buy it for us" they gave me the puppy look. I sighed followed with a chuckle and said "okay, and ohh yeah didyou remember this kind lady being with you a while ago" they just nodded and i followed saying "well this lady here is called mikoto-san and is your other gaprand mother and this boy here is named itachi nad os one of your uncle" they smiled brightly with yuru. And they said to them "do you know who our dad is" i stop them from answering "and that guy over there is named fugaku-san and is your grandfather and you will see your father at your birthday okay" they nodde and i smiled and i said to itachi "ummm, can we exchange cellphone numbers it is gonna be about sasuke what we are going to talk about okay, thanks" i whisper to him and give my cellphone to him and i just said "we are going to hte counter to buy the book that my chold wants right" yuri said "yeah" happily while yuru just said "hn" so we went to the counter and i just saw them talking about something and when re finished o come back and itachi hand over my phone and i just said"well, then bye see you again in my childs birthday" they just smiled at us and waved goodbye we went home and sighed...... This was the longest day i had and I had a long sigh... Suddenly o heard my cellphone ring and I picked it up and he said to me "Naruto, sasuke wants to see or meet with you.... I don't know where he learned it.... But he wants to meet with you again"

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