chapter 11

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Naruto's pov

I opened the door and saw sasuke of all people why him sasuke said "Hello, ummm can we talk about what you saw the other time I'll explain everything please Naruto just let me tell you" i got angry and close the door really loud.

Yuru's pov

I enjoyed my time in the room with only me and yuri is. So i grab his cheek and go on top of him put my leg between his legs and started to kiss him really sweet so I asked for entrance from him and he make me go in his mouth and I discover every part of his mouth he let out a moan and he blush and I think he is running out of air so we pushed each other gasping for air. I went to his ears and said "you really are cute and sexy, I love you" i felt he shiver because of what I said and I heard him said back "i love you too" which made me turned on and I went back up and saw him blushing super cute I won't hand him over to anyone else only me can touch his private places but I gues I can allow my parents to but anyone else will be dead. So I put my hand under his clothes when suddenly we heard the door slamed closed really loud so yuri get me off on top of him and go down and ask our mom what happened I became pissed at what he did if we only had more time we could have a nice time together but no so I went down and saw my yuri nervous and thinking what he would do so i went down to see what he is seeing and I saw my mom down on the floor.

Naruto's pov

I don't know what to do next suddenly I heard someone go down and it's one of my cute child as I heard sasuke called my name I said to him in a whisper with tears in my eyes "please sasuke can we talk about this another day" i think he heard me but still didn't stop and I saw my other cute child yuru standing there in shock I saw him get yuri and went down to where I am they hug me with worried look in their faces I just said to them i'm okay but for now can you go upstairs and take a bath" i saw them went up so I open the door and saw the famous uchiha crying right in front of me so he went to me and hugged me and I don't know what to do and just asked him "what do you want" sasuke said to me "sakura, I only kissed her because she said that she would leave us alone if I kissed her so I thought if I kissed her then no one will get in our way that's the only way for us to be happy, that's why please forgive me Naruto"

I looked at sasuke crying I thought this is not like him the sasuke I knew so i asked him again "is it true that you made sakura have a hard time all this time"

Sasuke answered me "of course I did I mean that's what she gets when she let me not see you for forever"

I laughed and said "okay, I would forgive but if you do that again we will go to America and never come back, promise" "promise" he said as he kiss me again really passionately so a few minutes later the twins are done taking their baths and I saw them walked down and stared at sasuke for a moment and I just sighed and thought it's time for them to know "yuru and yuri this Is your father and sasuke your son" i felt sasuke tears go down again as the twins go down and hugged their dad. And I suddenly saw that yuru is holding yuri's waste which was cute and I ask sasuke "would you like to join us for breakfast and for shopping for their school supplies" and he said yes and kissed my cheeks the two of them felt happy too so we went to eat and talk about many things and went shopping but then the Revenge of sakura didn't end what would happen to this happy family?

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