chapter 14

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Yuru's pov

Okay, now we are dead but if he kick us out then I think it's okay at least I am with yuri but will yuri be happy about this. This all relay on what mother will say I think i should ask but that will completely be impossible. If you wanna know why then it is because I need to comfort yuri that everything will be okay. I turned to mom as he was about to speak "No you don't need to explain because I already know and-" Mom was interrupted by yuri's crying I tried to calm him down but I guess it is because mom may leave us in a world we still don't know. I heard our mom sighed and walked to us and hug us together he at our backs " you didn't let me continue what was I about to say is I approve it. Your relationship I mean but you should not do it, okay only kissing and touching no one is gonna enter someone" we looked shocked and we just looked at our backs and saw our mom smilling "Umm, mom since when did you know? How di you find out? And why do you still accept us, i mean a normal mother would say that she is discusted or it is forbidden" i asked. Our mom got up and stand and answered my question "first, since when did I know I guess last year or something and how I know it it's because yuri's lips has always been kissed and finally why do I still accept you will it ia because you are my child and all I want is for you to be happy okay. So i don't care if you are gay or straight I just want you to be happy, okay is that clear" we nodded "good" my mom said. I think about it and asked "Mom what about dad will he still accept us" i saw mom think then said "hmmm, maybe". When mom said maybe I imagine something worse like my father is abusing us even mom and many more worst scene.

Naruto's pov

Their reaction is so funny how about let's just say it is so fun to play with them. I started laughing and they looked at me confused and I just said still laughing "you should see the look on your face don't worry about it actually I just talk to your father about this and he accept it if I accept your relationship.... Anyway don't do anything too adult and all well, then have a good time and see you later" with that I close the door and go downstairs to make breakfast for all of us. While I was cooking I felt an arm around my waist I look back and saw sasuke I just smile and look back at what I am cooking while laying my head on his chest. "I can't wait for them to grow up".

Okay, while I was gone I was thinking of a sequel and this one would be yuru x yuri the twins and will still have a sasunaru sorry if I didn't said it would be the last chapter well, I just said it now anyway I am so happy it reach for 3k which is really suprising I didn't think it could go this far anyway please say what you think. Thank you again and bye bye until next time

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