chapter 8

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Sasuke's pov

This is all that f***ing pinked hair b***h. Now I have to wait for how many f***ing days until I can get Naruto back in my arms and it's all thar f***ing pinked hair b***h...


What really happened is that sakura made a deal with me that she will leave me and Naruto alone if I kissed her... And I agree and kissed

Flash back end (author's note too short for a flashback lol)

I need to pay her back with some things that I will do to her and it will be really horrible.. Hahahahaaha (evil laugh)

At first I make almost all of the ugly boys fall in love with her and I enjoyed the face that she was making hahahaha. And another time I will sneak into her room and put some incest and when she wake up uer scream was really horrible hahahahaha. And she found another one she loves and that one she had a crush on will ne having a horrible life if he accepts it hahahahahaha. And many things more things that I had done to her these 6 years.... If I remember ino did say that Naruto will come back after 6 years is done I will seriously get Naruto back I promise that I will get him back..

naruto's pov

I have come back in the town which I hated the most. And I came back with my baby actuallu there are two and it is twins.. So the older one which is the first one who go out is yuru. Yuru is popular for his coolness, not energetic much, high grades, never shows his emotion (but when it comes to naruto he is always showing his emotions), favorite food is tomato and really likes desserts, so like sasuke his father but excpt for the dessert. And his looks is spiky hair like mine but the bangs and color of the hair looks like sasuke..and have sasuke's eyes but the color of the eyes is dark blue and have tan skin.. And the next twin is yuri. Yuri's personality is popular by his cuteness, energetic, high grades, always happy, favorite food is ramen and likes desert. So yuri is like me (Naruto) and have the same looks of the hair except for the bangs and the hair color. Yuri have my bangs and the color of my hair. And his eyes is like mine even the color is the same light blue eyes. And oh yeah forgot to add they both have three whiskers on both side of the cheeks. So that's all i could say about my cute and cool child this year their going to be 6 at September and what they want is to meet their dad but I denied in that decision. And I ask about ino and hinata about this and they said just go on they too need to meet their dad and I was so shock at what they said and I denied it. But someday they too wants to know who their dad is so i'll prepare for that day. And when we come into the house we setled in and put our stuff their my child wants to go in a shopping so we went out for a bit leaving my mom and dad their. As we were shopping I saw someone again and it's someone who I remember and it's from sasuke's brother itachi.

"Hello nice to meet you again, Naruto" itachi said

"Mom, can we go to the bookstore"

"yeah you may, mommy's gonna be here if you want something just come here without getting the book, or just wait there okay"


"sorry, about that"

"those child are they your children"

I've got to make a lie to him and said that I adopted them

"No I ju-" i got cut off by itachi who said "are those yours and sasuke's child because the other one really looks like him except for the spiky hair and the other one really looks like you so"

I sigh and said "yes, they are my and sasuke's child if you wanna know why a boy can get pregnant is because I have half boy and half girl parts but most of it is boy's so that's why, oh and please keep this a secret from sasuke"

Itachi just laugh and said "okay, okay, I know why you want to hide it from him, but can I be a uncle to your child because they really are cute"

I just smiled and nodded and said "of course why not" and we went inside the bookstore and search for a twins and we saw them and wave then I saw another familiar face and it's sasuke's mom and she's playing with them. I looked at her then at itachi then he nodded like he knows i've been having trouble if I should speak to her or not. So I went to yuri and yuru they came to me and said "mama, what took you long enough" i just smiled at them and said "it's been a long time mikoto-san". She stared at me and said "oh, your the boy that sa-" before she could finish the sentenc I interrupted her "mikoto-san, can we talk for a second you, Itachi, and me" i look at yuru and yuri who had worried faces I smiled and kneeled down and said "it's gonna be okay, i'm just gonna speak to them okay, now go and see if you want another book or not okay we're just going to be here" they smiled and nodded and said "okay". I look at them while they go I faced mikoto-san with a confused face but I think she's confused about the situation I said to break the silence "mikoto-san can you please keep this from sasuke that I have children" she looked at me and let out a gasp and said "are those yours and sasuke's child" i looked at itachi and to her and I just nodded she smiled and said "their my grand son, oh how happy I am to know i'm having grandchild" i am now confused. She said gonna have so does that mean sasuke never married anyone at all.

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