House guess

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Still Zaria's POV
Z-can we talk😔
Z-I'll meet you at your locker this is important🔒
Lexi-I understand best friend S will be here to
Z- that's fine u miss you guys
Lexi-we miss you to
After i stopped texting Lexi I met up with her and S at her locker. Then I started crying again they hugged me my moms boyfriend raped me and I can't go back I said crying  Lexi stood back S lead me to the bathroom Lexi went in everyone out now she screamed everyone exited the bathroom. We went in Ledi picked me up and put me on the sink I'm calling J and D to guard the door Lexi said I nodded. Lexi cleaned up my face while S asked me questions. How long has it been happening she asked a-a-a y-year I stammered i know how it feels S said then she told me about her mom. But PorschA's mom took me in as her own daughter and PorschA's like my sister S finished can I stay with you PorschA I said y'all need to stop using my government and yes you can. We went to the office to get a late pass Lexi started talking mr.Doug we she said pointing to all of us were in the bathroom it was a emergency S and Z had there she said  no need here are your passes go to class mr.Doug said thanks bye she said. That was good I complimented guys don't like to hear about period blood it's there biggest fear she said. We walked to class.

Back to Lexi's POV
When the bell rang I called my dad daddy come pick us up I said anything for my princess he pulled up 5 minutes later. Hey ma he said to Z when she got in the front of the car hey she said and started crying. What's wrong dad said she told him everything c-c-can I-I st-st-stay with y-y-you yes you can stay with me he said and gave her a hug. Mommy get another bed ready you got another daughter I joked. She came down the stairs Z told her everything well dang mom you should be a therapist I took a few sociology classes in college. Wow Z said you living like a princess Z you and S will be sleeping in the walk-in closet we thought you might want to be close to PorschA. No Z you take the bed with PorschA and I'll take a air mattress S said S you can always sleep with me J said oh hell no mom said can't blame a guy for trying J said S pecked him on the lips mom went up to my room to make arrangements. I checked the time it said 5 me and S got ready for practice. Ty I yelled and hugged him hey cuz he said I thought you left no I had to she my aunt and uncle before I left plus it's snowing back at my college so I got a few more days off well you can watch me and S practice. Coach came in while I was talking to Tu and stretching D, J, mom, dad, and Z watched to. Girls the  costumes came dress rehearsal. Me and S got dressed and came out. Oh hell no Ty and daddy said at the same time mom slapped them both in the head then they were quite the rest of the time. We did our dance in our heels. We moved slowly shaking down to the ground and back up  d danced S ran and flipped over me I grabbed her hips as she slid into a spit I danced beside her leaving  space and rolled into a spit we fell forward then brought our legs together stood up and belly danced through the rest of the song. Everyone clapped when we stopped moving and we  bowed. Z spoke that was scary she said it doesn't hurt when you have been doing it all your life I said S nodded. We got water coach left and we changed and ate salad and baked chicken for dinner. We went to sleep tired.

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