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I got dressed after taking a shower. Then someone rang the doorbell everyone come to the living room Mis.Rossa said I finished my eye liner and when to the elevator when everyone got to the living room Mis.Rossa had Markeet to come in. I have something to say he said

What daddy said
I reached up under the couch
Don't shot he said and looked at me

I sat back
My job was to kill princess
I hopped out my seat and had a gun to his head in a blink of a eye

Who you working for I asked

No King shot his dad and he can't kill the king so he trying to take a axe to your family tree

It's funny you try to kill me now Ima kill you snitching ass nigga
If you don't believe me open your locket that Q gave you

I opened my locket I saw a tracking device. I dropped the locket to the ground and smashed it

What else do you know I questioned

That I don't wanna die can y'all get me some money

No why you need money
Cause not one but two gangs after me

Why two
Cause I didn't finish the job
Oh daddy I said and snapped my fingers

He gave me 1,000 flee the country I said

Yes ma'am can I get 2,000 more for my momma and baby mama

Sure he left

After 10 minutes there was a knock at the door I got my purse and put my taser and gun in it a got my book bag I left with Q. Q I'm not ready for a relationship do you mind if I wait a little longer I mean we can hangout and be friends for now I said that's cool ma he said and dropped me off. I went to Starbucks and got my Oreo frappe like usual I needed a moment so I headed to the bathroom but then Mis.Angela saw me we went to her office I told her about what happened between me and D then I cried for the first time she comforted me and I spent all day in there I even used her private bathroom and left to get Mexican for lunch then I came back. There was a knock at the door half way through Ciara I bet and us eating I opened it, it was D Mis.Angela turned off the music I stepped to the side my teacher sent me here he said have a seat she said pointing to a desk in the corner. She worked and I plugged in my headphones and kept listening to my brake up playlist I ate after a hour the principle had to go to a meeting she gave me a hug and mouthed sorry as she left. I kept listening to music and played on my phone D sat beside me I'm sorry ma he said

I ignored him
Please listen
I took my headphones out my ears
I was drunk I didn't mean it I promise I loved you and I will do anything to get you back

You hurt my feelings do you even know how much pain you caused me I asked

No but I'm sorry then he picked me up and put me on the desk and kissed me I wrapped my legs around him I missed his soft lips then Mis.Angela well you feel better she said okay get out she said what I asked don't y'all wanna go home she asked then the bell rang oh I said. We left he picked me up put me down I said he put me down I hoped on his back and he walked me to my locker I got my stuff then he got his we went to his Bentley I hoped of his back and he opened the door for me and I hoped in he drove me home. When we got there he opened the door for me and I hopped out pick me up tomorrow baby I said I pecked him on the lips five times then I opened the door and everyone in the house was starring at me. Nosey mother fuckers I said and went up to my room and texted D then Q texted me

Q:you weren't at the school I came to pick you up😟😟
Lexi:sorry I rode with someone else 😑😑😑
Q:you good um you riding with me tomorrow 😀
Lexi:No I'm riding with my boyfriend 😐
Q:Oh who😕
Lexi:I gave my ex a second chance 😊
Q:Oh talk to you tomorrow
Lexi:You wanna hang Saturday 🙂
Lexi:Meet me at my house around 3
Q:K Bye
Then I had some dinner and ran on the treadmill S was talking about she cant believe how J cheated and has a child an how men are awful bitchs l just nodded and said she was right. Then I told J to get his shit together.

I didn't cheat
Then get a DNA test
Then I walked away and went to sleep.
I know y'all hating
Lexi+D=❤️ should she have forgave him would you?
What's gonna happen Saturday?
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