Chapter One // The Case

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4:17 a.m. Elliot's cell phone goes off.
Elliot wakes up reaching over to his night stand grabbing the phone. He answers in a groggy voice "Stabler" he says. "Detective Stabler, you're needed on 375 Park Avenue." , "I'm on my way." Dispatch hangs up. Elliot kisses his sleeping wife's head and gets dressed.

Twenty minutes later, Elliot arrives on the scene. Olivia approached him "What do we got?" Elliot walks with her. "14 year old, Ashley McCarthy, raped and stabbed. A woman doing her early morning run came across her and called it in." Olivia shows him the girl. Elliot looks at Melinda "What happened?" Melinda looks up from her clipboard "14, she was alive during the rape. The rapist ejaculated inside of the victim and proceeded to stabbing her 23 times. I would put her time of death around 3 a.m. Elliot bends down to get a better look "What was a 14 year old girl doing out at 3 a.m." Elliot looks at the girl. Olivia looks at Elliot "Let's go ask the parents."

Olivia and Elliot pull up to the resident's of Ashley McCarthy. They get out and proceed to the door. Elliot rings the door bell. Mrs. McCarthy opens the door smiling. Olivia flashes her badge "Mrs. McCarthy?" , "Why Yes?.." The women responds "Manhattan SVU I'm Detective Olivia Benson and this is my partner Detective Stabler. We're here concerning your daughter Ashley." The mothers face drops and starts getting concerned. Elliot shows the mother his badge asking if they can come in. She opens the door more allowing them to do so. The door shuts behind the detectives. Mrs. McCarthy calls her husband down "Honey there are two detectives here about Ashley!" The husband comes down the stairs greeting the detectives shaking they're hands. "Mr. & Mrs. McCarthy, you're daughter Ashley was found dead on Park Avenue" Elliot says. The mothers starts crying "not my baby!! Not my baby!!" The husband holds her tight crying. After an hour with the parents and getting a good idea of what they know, Elliot and Olivia leave.

The two drive back to the precinct, after only two days they find the guy and uncover that he's raped and murdered 6 other girls. He gets sent away for life without parol.

----What do you guys think? Even if you hate it I want to hear about it please leave a comment. Thank you for reading, btw the next chapter just be ready ---

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