Chapter Two // If Only

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11:07 p.m. Olivia and Elliot are the only ones left in the precinct. Olivia looks up at Elliot as she turns her desk light off "Wanna go get a drink? Celebrate?". He looks at all his paper work "Maybe another time." , "Come on, you can finish this up tomorrow it's late. Come get a drink with me." She smiles standing there looking at him, he rolls his eyes letting a deep breath out smiling, "Okay I'll go". Elliot stands up after turning his light off, grabs his coat and the two head out.

Elliot and Olivia sit at the bar drinking a beer. They talk about the case for a little bit. Elliot orders a few shots for the two of them. Before they know it the bartender tells them it's closing time and they have to go. Elliot looks at his watch "Shit it's already 1 in the morning?" He pays the bill and Olivia and Elliot stumble out of the bar giggling. "Kathy is going to kill me", Olivia looks at him "Especially if you go home spelling like a brewery." She laughs. Elliot walks Olivia home. "Come upstairs, you can get cleaned up then take a cab home." Elliot nods his head "thanks." , they walk up three flights of stairs tripping over "You have to move somewhere with less stairs" Elliot laughs holding on to Olivia and she does the same so neither fall.

Olivia opens her apartment door putting her keys on the table "Come in" Elliot heads to the bathroom to wash up. Olivia makes a snack for them both. Elliot comes out of the bathroom and sits on the couch. Olivia sits next to him "Crackers?" , "Sure" Elliot takes a few. "I called you a cab they'll be here in an hour." , "Thanks liv". "So how are the kids?" , "They're good" Elliot smiles looking at Olivia. "And Kathy?" He laughs "She's also good." , "that's good." Olivia smiles putting the crackers down. Elliot's eyes wonder to Olivia ass, which is showing her black laced thong. Elliot licks his lips with his eye brows raised as Olivia leans back. Olivia looks at him and giggles "what?" She hits his chest and he smiles. "You're so beautiful" , Olivia shakes her head smiling "You're drunk". "That may be so, but you're still beautiful." He puts his hand on her thigh and looks into her eyes. Olivia looks back into his. Elliot starts leaning in for a kiss slowly looking at her lips once he gets so close that their nose touch. Once their lips are only a centimeter away from each other Elliot's phone goes off and he back off as fast as he can sitting back pulling his phone out of his pocket. He looks at the ID "shit" he answers "hey babe" on the other line - " Elliot where are you its almost 2 in the morning?!" Kathy yells. "I'm at the precinct just finishing up some paper work I'll be home in a few." , "Fine, but call me next time instead of leaving me here to worry. Okay? I love you " , "Will do Kath, love you too, bye." Elliot hangs up.

Olivia gets up and looks out the window "El, your cabs here." Elliot stands up "Thanks again Liv." , Olivia smiles and hugs him "anytime El". Elliot walks out of the building gets into the cab and the cab drives off. "I almost kissed her, I'm married what am I crazy?" Elliot thinks on the way home. Olivia lays in bed "we almost kissed, god if his wife didn't call we would've." Olivia thinks. She laughs "his wife, he's married and drunk he didn't know what he was doing. Thank god Kathy called." Olivia falls asleep hoping to stop thinking about it, but she didn't. She starts to dream about what could of happened if Elliot's phone didn't go off.

--Olivia's Dream--
Their lips only a centimeter away Elliot freezes looks at her eyes then lips and finally kisses her. Olivia puts her hands around his neck playing with his hair as the kiss gets intense. Elliot wraps his arms around her not letting their lips apart for a moment. Once he stops Elliot smiles at her and stars kissing her neck. Olivia moans as they slide down and Elliot positions himself between her legs and start to slowly..

Olivia wakes up breathing heavy. "What a bizarre dream." She holds her heart biting her lower lip, She looks at the times and rushed to get ready with only 30 minutes to be ready and get to work with out being late.

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