Chapter Fifteen // Labor

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-Elliot's POV-

-her face tenses up and her hand tightens around mine

"Liv? What's wrong?"

I look down to see that there is water on the floor, and look back up at her

"I think my water just broke"

My eyes widened in panic. I don't know why I was so nervous, Kathy and I went through this five times. I grab my coat and keys and drive Liv to the hospital once we get there I try to stay calm, but it's impossible to stay calm when the woman you love is in labor.

A nurse gets her a wheel chair having her sit down as they take us to a room. I fill out paperwork while the nurse gets her settled. We wait 5 hours until he contraction are close enough to start pushing. I stand up and hold Olivia's hand and put the other on her back helping her stay sitting up.

The doctor starts telling her to push and I do the same. The second time I tell her to push she yells at me


The doctor says push and I do it again not thinking about it


But when the doctor says push she does. Half way through, she looks at me


I just laugh kissing her head rubbing her back. Finally we hear crying, I smile catching a glimpse of the baby.

"Congratulations it's a healthy baby girl"

Olivia starts crying wanting to hold her baby I kiss her head then a nurse hands me the baby I go in awe. I hand her to Olivia.

"She's so beautiful"

I smile and we just watch her. A nurse looks at us

"What are you going to name her?"

"Mackenzie?" She looks up at me

I nod my head smiling ear to ear
"Mackenzie sounds perfect"

"That's a beautiful name" the nurse takes the baby to give her everything she needs while Olivia gets settled in a recovery room. While she rests I go to the lobby and see almost the whole precinct

"It's a girl"

Everyone cheered and clapped some shaking my hand others patting my back. I see Jade and we just exchange smiles and nods. After the crowd dies down I take fin and munch  to see Mackenzie in the nursery.

"She's beautiful El, thank god she has Olivia's face."

"Definitely gets her looks from Olivia"

"Thanks guys, you two are too kind."

They laugh

"We're just kidding right fin?"

"Yeah El. Hey! She has your...."
He takes a long pause messing with me further
"Your eyes"

"Well I gotta get going its late, Congrats Stabler."

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