Chapter Eighteen // The Wedding

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-Olivia's POV-

Today's the day. The day I've been planning for years now and I never thought it would be with my best friend, my partner of 13 years. I've dreamt of this day for months now, me walking down the aisle as Elliot stands at the alter watching me. His heart racing, eyes tearing up. I make it to him and he'll lift my vail and we'll examine every detail of each other's face. He'll state his vows I'll state mine and, we'll kiss, it'll be official. I'll be Mrs. Olivia Stabler, only an hour to go before I get to spend my life with the man I love.

-Elliot's POV-

Today I get to marry my best friend, wow. I'm getting married for the second time. It's going to be worth it I know. We have a beautiful daughter, we're going to be great.

I go to the alter after I'm dressed in my suit. I watch the bridesmaids and my groomsmen walk down the aisle. The time is getting closer and closer soon they play the song, and Olivia will appear. My heart starts racing as the doors open, I see a glimpse of white and the song begins.

She took her first step with Cragen by her side. All I could picture was our future. A loving marriage, adventure, our daughter growing up, us living into our 80s together. It's like I could see everything, now to then. I couldn't wait. She looks like an angel, someone I am unworthy of. She was glowing.

-Olivia's POV-

He looks so handsome, I didn't know how much I actually loved him until now. He did all this for me. He would've been fine with the courthouse, but since I wanted this he did it. I believe he'd do anything for me, as I would for him.

I made it to the alter. God his smell is always intoxicating. I just want to kiss him now. He lifts my vail and all I could see was love in his eyes.

As we approached the vows I let him go first.

"Olivia, you're my best friend, my partner, my lover. I could stand here, tell you how I knew you were the one when I first saw you, but I'd be lying. I didn't know we'd end up here. But I'm sure happy that we did. Cause when I'm with you, I see everything differently. You keep me human.  I love you, and I can't wait to be 80 sitting in a dinner eating milkshakes with you."

He sure knew how to make me cry.

"Elliot, you've been my partner for 13 years, I can't wait for us to be partners in life for however many years we have to come."

We finally got to the 'You may kiss the bride' part. It was finally happening our marriage is final after this.

He leans in and kisses me. And that's all it took to make him be mine forever.

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