Once Insanity! #19

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Henry: Hey, moms!

Regina: Yes?

Emma: S'up.

Henry: I was on Wattpad and I saw this!

Henry Daniel Mills has sent a picture.

Henry Daniel Mills has sent a picture

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Regina: What about it?

Henry: That's us! Our texts and everything! It's so weird.

Emma: Creepy...

Henry: Anyways, I began to realize how insane our texts were so I searched for more!

Regina: Oh god...

Emma: Don't worry, how many books can there be? We're not that crazy.

Henry Daniel Mills has sent 76 pictures.

Emma: I take that back.

Henry Daniel Mills has sent 84 pictures.


Henry Daniel Mills is laughing at Emma Swan.

Emma: What the? Since when does that thing narrate stuff?

Emma Swan sulks.

Emma: I don't sulk!

Emma Swan lies.

Regina: Amen.

Emma: Hey!

Henry: Guys, I realized that in almost all these books we have insane usernames...

Emma: Lol, Regina's can be BigNoLongerEvilBooty15.

Regina: And the fourteen other booties?

Emma: Muah.

Henry: Oh, Emma's could be RedLeatherSaviour.

RedLeatherSaviour: Sweeeeet.

BigNoLongerEvilBooty1: Dibs on one.

RedLeatherSaviour: Damn.

Flower: Lol.

BigNoLongerEvilBooty1: Why Flower Henry?

Flower: Ahhhh....

Everyone else (whose names will not be individually mentioned because Bërrÿ is lazy ) has entered.

Hook: I want in!

Snow: Me too!

Belle: Thinking...

CharmingNiceTwin: This is fun!

GoldTheBomb: Not a bad idea Henry.

LibraryHoarder: Really Rumple?

GoldTheBomb: I thought you were in a box?

LibraryHoarderInABox: Shut up.

SecretSnow: But back to the question. Why Flower Henry?

Flower: Ah...

Author: Hi Henry!

Flower: Hey, V!


BigNoLongerEvilBooty1: Ugh.

RedLeatherSavior: Shush, Regina.

Flower: You win best username, V:)


Author: Thanks!:)

GoldTheBomb: Actually I win. Suckers.

LibraryHoarderInABox: Naw.

BigNoLongerEvilBooty1: Pfft. It's me obvi.

RedLeatherSavior: Speaking of self love, where's that pirate?

CharmingNiceTwin: Thinking really hard for a good username.

SecretSnow: It'll probably be like HookLeather or like GuylinerKing.

BigNoLongerEvilBooty1: I like this side of you Snow. But heads up, 'Secret'Snow? Really?

SecretSnow: Shush.

RobinWasAGoodMan: He really was.


BigNoLongerEvilBooty1: Yes he was.

LionTattooLove: My big booty no longer evil url can wait.

PapaRobin: Yeah, I missed having a dad.

SaviorArrow: Kid...

CharmingHood: He's still with us.

SnowMerryMen: Yes.

BookThief: :)

GoldTheBomb: I still win suckers.

SuckIt&ShutUpGold: Now, with all due respect, THIS username is what the dragon wanted, grandpa.

Everyone else: O.O

Everyone else: ...

Everyone else: *slowly applauds*


Well this was fun and awkward :D



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