Once Insanity! #23

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Texts/One Shot



Emma: Killian?

Hook: Yes, love?

Emma: I just need to say something ok?

Hook: Of course. Is everything alright?

Emma: Yeah.

Emma: I think so.

Emma: You know what?

Emma: Nevermind.


Hook looked down at his phone, a heavy feeling settling in his stomach and a frown hanging off his lips.

Henry could handle himself, right?

He looked over at the grown boy whom he was babysitting obsessing over every detail in the new book and learning as much as he could about the new visitors in town.

Henry could handle himself just fine for fifteen minutes.

Hook nodded at his self persuasion and briefly told Henry he was heading out for a moment. The boy simply nodded; too preoccupied with the task at hand.


"Emma! Hold up, love!" Hook jogged up to the diner where Emma stood there, keeping her back to Hook and refusing to move.

"What's... What's wrong?" Hook finally reached the top of the stairs and gently reach to interlace his fingers with Swan's.

Then, she did the weirdest thing.

She vanished in a storm of her magic, not once even looking up at Hook as the smoke swallowed her whole.

"Emma..?" Hook questioned into the empty space in front of him; the uneasy feeling growing.




Henry didn't even bother to look up from his book to look at the half panting pirate behind him.

"Your mom, is she alright?" Hook leaned against the wall and tried not to let his paranoia get the best of him.

What if Emma realized that he wasn't the man she thought?

She was the Savior,of course, she would try to see the good in him.

What if she didn't?

Was she having second thoughts?

'I just need to say something.'

Is she okay? Hurt? Cursed? Anything?

God, please no. Not Emma.

"I don't know," Henry mumbled; hopefully his too-quick-response went unnoticed.

Hook looked at the boy closely this time. His fingers were playing with the corner of the page as he bit down on his other thumb, foot tapping softly on the wooden paneled floor.

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