Once Insanity! #21

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David: Jack and Jill went up the hill

Henry: To fetch a bucket of water

Snow: Jack fell down and broke his crown

Belle: And Gold went screwing us over.

Regina: Ouch.

Rumple: Oh come on, Belle.


Rumple: I may have locked you in a box but it was for love.


Henry: It's so tense.

Belle: Right, let's sing another song.

Snow: Umm... Ok...

Regina: Twinkle, twinkle little star

Hook: How I wonder what you are

Emma: Up above the world so high

David: Like a diamond in a sky

Henry: Twinkle twinkle little star

Belle: Man that boxed me? Yes you are.


Hook: I like this.

Henry: Hm...

Henry: Old MacDonald had a farm

Emma: E-I-E-I-O

Regina: On his farm he had a cow

Belle: Eff-ing-Mis-ter-gold

Snow: Wow.

Rumple: :'(

David: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Henry: Sponge-Bob-square-pants!

Hook: And hop on the deck and flop like a fish?

Regina: Sponge-bob-Square-Pants.

Snow: If nonsensical nonsense is something you wish.

Belle: Go-ma-rry-Gold.

Emma: This is very satisfying on so many levels.

Regina: Amen.

Henry: Agreed.

Rumple: But you're my grandson, Henry.

Henry: Wasn't really thinking that when you, oh well, do anything, do you?

Rumple: Oh come on.

Hook: Fist bum me, bruh.

Henry: Sure but never speak like that again.

Hook: Sorry...

Hook: Doug.

Emma: Belle?

Belle: Yes?

Emma: Let's start a hate page. For gold.

Regina: Wait, one last song. Team work, this time guys.

Snow: A B C D Gold really

David: Is a big bad crocodile

Regina: He even boxed up his wife

Henry: And told us all big fat lies

Emma: Even when he lost magic

Belle: He still makes our lives tragic.

Rumple: ....

Rumple: You know what?

Rumple: F-

Lol, Bërrÿ ain't gonna curse cos she's lazy to change the rating on this book.

Also everyone has left the group chat.



Selamat Hari Raya :)



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