Once Insanity! #5

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Are you having trouble sleeping?

Insomnia? Internet? Vicious stalking of your fandom idols?

None of the above?

Then there is a chance you are a Dark One! Yes, you!

If you are, then this is for you!

The Dark One Auto Sleep 3000 is a device that will shot you in the mind and torture you worse then school so that -


Technical error.

Get a Dark One Auto Sleep 3000 now for only 180 innocent villager hearts!


@Jadoue1999 I just needed to get this out of my head.

Stop judging me.

Yes, you.

I can sense you judging me.

Like waves of judgmental judging rolling off you to judge me.



Once Insanity! {OUAT}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt