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a little picture of baby ushijima to apologize for what you're about to read

a little picture of baby ushijima to apologize for what you're about to read

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what a cutie

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what a cutie

please forgive me in advance


ushijima punched him in the jaw.

"where the fuck were you," he hissed, eyes wide but pupils narrowed. oikawa was violently shaking in fear as he crawled back, towards the couch.

"m-my knee, it's i-injured," he stuttered, tears in his eyes. he could taste blood in his mouth.

"so? you think i care?" he spat. "you deserved that, you fucking brat." oikawa started sobbing as he received a harsh kick to the stomach, doubling over onto his side. he felt sick, and the taste of blood only made him want to puke more.

ushijima kicked him again, against his back. "i'm going out. you'd better have cleaned yourself off by then. and don't you even think about sleeping in bed tonight."


oikawa pretended to sleep as he uncomfortably repositioned himself on the couch, hoping ushijima was too intoxicated to notice the movement.

it was around eleven if oikawa had to guess, and ushijima had just stumbled inside, and judging from how he bumped into everything, oikawa could conclude that he was drunk, and very much so.

"there you are," he heard his voice, and a laugh followed. the trembling returned. oikawa knew what would happen next.

the blanket was ripped off of him, and ushijima clumsily yet forcefully turned oikawa around, on to his stomach. oikawa let out a panicked noise when he heard ushijima undo his belt.

"ushijima, d-don't," he said shakily, attempting to turn around and prevent the rest from happening.

ushijima was silent for a moment. oikawa had never actually told him to stop. not verbally.

"sit fucking still, bitch", he hissed, tugging oikawa's pants down in one smooth motion. "i'm not done with you."

"no, no, please, ushijima," he pleaded. "i don't want this."

ushijima leaned over him, mouth next to his ear, fingers in front of his mouth.

"you're going to fucking enjoy it," he hissed. "now suck if you don't want it to hurt less."

"no, i don't want this, ushijima, stop." tears streamed down his cheeks as ushijima forcefully grabbed his jaw and stuck his fingers into the brunette's mouth, sticking them in so far that oikawa could feel himself choke.

ushijima continued to pull his fingers out of oikawa's mouth and immediately trace them down to the ring of muscles oikawa prayed he wouldn't touch.

"i don't want this," he sobbed. "i don't want this, please, please stop."

ushijima pushed one finger in, and oikawa winced. it hurt. a lot. they way he immediately began moving it relentlessly didn't help at all.

the second finger made him scream in pain. the preparation wasn't nearly enough, and he wanted nothing more than to safely curl up in a bed somewhere and cry.

ushijima decided that the progress was too slow, so a third was added, and oikawa swore that he was going to get injured, if he wasn't already.

"fucking slut," ushijima muttered as he pulled away his fingers. oikawa didn't bother to pay attention to his comment as he bit into the couch pillow. 

"please," he cried, face wet with tears and his nose running. he was an absolute mess.

ushijima replied by simply going in dry.

oikawa didn't even know how he managed to fit, but jesus christ, it hurt so much. he had rarely been in this much pain before. it was a burning sensation, as if he was being torn open as ushijima aggressively continued to thrust into him. his teeth sunk into the couch pillow once again as he let out his screams of pain. he was in complete agony. all he wanted was for everything to end.

he started blocking out the noises, focusing only on biting into the pillow to the point where he thought his teeth would snap. the pain was still there, of course.

after a while, oikawa could feel fluids inside him, and as absolutely disgusting as it was, he was so thankful that it was over.

ushijima stood up and pulled his pants up again, walking out of the room just as he'd entered.

he couldn't deny it anymore. he couldn't deny the abuse and the fact that whatever their sexual activities had consisted of before could now officially be labeled as rape.

he didn't love ushijima, and ushijima didn't love him. and that scared him more than anything.


he walked over the school grounds two days later, hood pulled over his head to hide his face as much as possible. his bruises hadn't faded, but ushijima forced him to go to school today anyway.

sugawara nearly cried when he saw him.

his entire left jaw had turned into a black and blue mark, his right eye had a similar colour and although not swollen definitely looked very much injured and there was a slight mark on the right side if his forehead.

sugawara hugged him tightly, sniffing to hold back his tears.

"now, why're you crying?" oikawa chuckled meekly.

"you fucking idiot," sugawara muttered, sniffing all the while. "you're hurt."

"i got into a fist fight after some guy tried to grab my wallet," oikawa shrugged.

"you're the worst liar i know," sugwara groaned, looking at him.

oikawa looked so... broken. sugawara wanted nothing more than to help him, to give him a home and to kiss him and tell him there was someone that loved him more, him.

"i'm sorry, suga-chan," he smiled. "please don't bother to worry about me. it's not worth it."

"you fucking idiot. you think i control that?" he sighed. "god damn it, oikawa."

the door opened, and iwaizumi walked in, catching everyone's attention. "alright everyone," he said, looking around. "sit down a-"

he stopped when he saw oikawa's beat up face. his eyes lit up.

"everyone, work on the math stencils from yesterday. oikawa, come with me." oikawa sighed as he quickly squeezed suga's hand before walking out of the classroom.

iwaizumi followed him, and closed the door behind him.

he stared at him with anticipation, anger and worry all at once.

"what the fuck did you do now."

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