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song tip: can you feel my heart - bring me the horizon


iwaizumi sighed as the nurse left him and oikawa alone in his hospital room, a bunch of cotton and whatever stuck against his rather uncomfortable nose.

"staying the night, hmm?" oikawa said, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"i guess so," iwaizumi muttered. "i'm sorry for the commotion."

"that's fine," oikawa replied, smiling softly as he looked at iwaizumi.

the elder looked away.

"you should phone sugawara," he muttered. "you can stay with him tonight."


"no, please, just do this for me," iwaizumi requested, despair laced in his voice. "ushijima probably knows you're here. i want you to be safe."

oikawa looked like he was going to argue, but stayed silent anyway. "okay. do you mind me borrowing your phone?"

"sure, go ahead," iwaizumi said, gesturing to the device lying on the small nightstand next to the bed. oikawa picked it up, handing it to him.



oikawa took it back, surprised that iwaizumi told him.

"for if you need to use it again, and i'm not around."

oikawa bit his lip. iwaizumi may not have wanted that kiss, logically thinking, but small gestures like these made it apparent that iwaizumi cared for him more than he did for any other student he had.

"thank you," he replied, getting up to walk out of the room.

the silence was disturbing, if iwaizumi was completely honest. he wasn't used to silence anymore. the ticking of the clock in his room and the soft buzz of chatter far, far away made him slightly paranoid. maybe oikawa never shutting up wasn't so bad after all.

he walked back in after two short minutes, placing the phone on iwaizumi's nightstand. "he'll be here in about fifteen minutes, i'll head out in a moment. are you sure you'll be okay?"

"yeah, very sure," iwaizumi chuckled. "thank you for going to sugawara's. it'll help me sleep at night."

"anything for iwa-chan, hmm?"


"what, i can't even call you iwa-chan?"

"i don't thi-"

"listen, iwaizumi, i understand that we can't be together, and that that kiss was a mistake, but i don't regret it," oikawa rushed out. "i know i can't love you, but please, don't take away the connection we had before either."

iwaizumi sighed.

"okay. i won't."

"thank you," oikawa mumbled. he glanced at the clock, realising he had to get going. "i should go."

"yeah," iwaizumi whispered.

"i'll miss you," oikawa smiled sadly.

"it's just one night."

"yeah..." oikawa bit his lip. "can i kiss you? one last time?"

"what? why?"

"i just want to," he replied. "please? i swear, i won't do anything else."

iwaizumi looked hesitant. "isn't it better to just leave it at that?"

"leaving unaddressed emotions will only mess it all up."

a long silence passed.

"yeah, okay," iwaizumi whispered. "you can kiss me."

oikawa smiled as he walked over to him. he looked him in the eye and leaned in slowly, placing one hand on his jaw delicately before softly pressing his plump lips against the other's.

iwaizumi melted at the touch, and soon the kiss evolved into something deeper, something more passionate. they were pouring all of their emotions into the one kiss they had left before the night would end and nothing could ever be the same again.

they both weren't ready to let go, yet they were already slipping away.

it took minutes until oikawa pulled away, glancing down at iwaizumi's lips before back up at his eyes, his own brown ones filled with tears.



oikawa nodded slowly. "yeah. sorry. i should go." he stood up and smiled at iwaizumi. "thank you so much. for everything. but mostly for opening up to me, even after causing you all that trouble."

"you'll be back soon, right? no need for the sentiment," iwaizumi chuckled.

"yeah," oikawa replied glumly. "i'll see you soon. bye, iwa-chan."

"goodbye, oikawa."

the brunette smiled one last time before he walked out, maneuvering through the hallways until he got to the exit, where a familiar man stood.

"good to see you again."

oikawa forced a smile.

"thanks for coming, ushiwaka-chan."


oikawa wasn't touched that night in any way. both went to bed, oikawa taking his place on ushijima's couch timidly whilst ushijima returned to their previously shared bedroom.

as much as oikawa dreaded the upcoming morning, it was comforting to know that at least for the night he could sleep without fear.


iwaizumi, to even his own surprise, managed to get to work the next day, even with a patched up nose. his boss knew that he wasn't the type to take a day off easily, so he gave him permission to teach anyway.

he was nervous to see oikawa again, but at least he could take him home again today, so he knew he'd be safe. not that he distrusted sugawara, but he felt more comfortable with oikawa being present with him at all times.

to his shock and disappointment, there was no oikawa in his class. sugawara was there, but he couldn't ask about it just yet, he first had another responsibility - teaching. so he vowed to ask sugawara in the break.

he prayed that oikawa was safe at sugawara's home.


"oi, sugawara-kun."

the silver haired boy was surprised to see iwaizumi speedwalking after him through the hallways.

"yes, iwaizumi-sensei?" he asked, confused.

"did everything go okay last night?"

"what do you mean..?" sugawara asked slowly.

"picking oikawa up and stuff."

"i didn't see oikawa yesterday," sugawara frowned.

iwaizumi's breath stopped. oikawa had called...

he unlocked his phone frantically, sugawara eyeing the panicking teacher with an amused eye, hands on his hips.

"shit, shit, shit," he muttered out loud as he looked at his call history. "he went back."

"wait, what?!"

"long story short, he was at my apartment yesterday afternoon, and we just managed to escape. my nose was broken so i had it patched up, ordered him to call you and let him stay the night at your house. but he called ushijima in stead."

"you got injured?"

"yeah, but don't worry, ca-"

"sensei," sugawara said solemnly, "i think that's the reason he left. he's trying to protect you."

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