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song tip: hold me tight - bts


in the morning iwaizumi woke up to an empty bed. it was foreign. it was strange. it made him feel sick to his stomach.

he grabbed a fistful of sheets and clenched them as he hit his lip. he wanted to apologize, to tell him what was going on, but he knew that even though it would get him back, in the long run oikawa would only suffer more. he was the type to get a job secretly himself. and that was exactly what iwaizumi was preventing, or at least trying to.


oikawa woke up in one of lev's shirts — he would wear yaku's, but those were way too small for him — only to see yaku just sitting up and yawning. oikawa rubbed his eyes lazily.

"morning, ya-chan," he mumbled, sitting up. "where's iwa-ch..." he trailed off as he remembered.


"let's get you breakfast," yaku said, getting up and dragging oikawa downstairs.

"what about school?"

"mom called. all fixed," yaku hummed as he pushed oikawa on to a seat at their dining room table. "tea?"

"whatever you're having," oikawa replied with a shy undertone. he felt a little guilty about barging in like that.

"green tea it is," yaku replied, setting down a steaming mug soon after, plus a plate of sandwiches. "my mom left these for us."

"itadakimasu," oikawa whispered before digging in, eating and drinking slowly. yaku observed him.

"so..." he said slowly, setting his mug down. "what happened?" oikawa swallowed his bite.

"iwa and i... we fought. he's been out late a lot, you know? as in, almost every day. he used to never be late. so i asked him. he was really vague and evasive. i panicked, and asked if he was cheating or selling drugs or something, and we both flipped out at each other."

"oh god," yaku sighed. "you seriously said that to him?"

"what was i supposed to think?!"

"his life has been revolving around you for the past months. he's done so much to help you, and them you so casually throw around the possibility of him cheating. he's bound to be hurt by that. he's put so much effort in to keeping you safe and sound. and then you make an accusation like that."

"shit," oikawa sighed, laying his head down on the table. "i fucked up big time."

"besides, you two aren't even together yet. don't you still have something going on with ushijima?"

"i don't want to talk about that."

yaku sighed deeply. "i can't believe you. c'mon, spill."

"i said i'd break up with him, but when i was there i couldn't do it," oikawa mumbled.

"and he's the cheating one."

"it's different!"

"is it? really? because he's rivaling the man who raped and beat you. you're making him feel equal to someone that monstrous. he probably feels like he has to fight for you like no other." yaku took another bite and swallowed. "i'm sure he's gone that much for a good reason, and i'm damn sure that he's doing it for you."

"you think?"

"he's probably hiding it for your own good. he doesn't want you to worry. so cut him some slack, try to figure out what it is he's so worried about, but don't go stalking him or invading his privacy."



oikawa rang the doorbell, but iwaizumi wasn't home.

right, he thought. still at work. he used his keys to unlock the door and took his shoes and coat off, putting on slippers in stead.

he spent the day tidying up his own stuff, before prepping some things for dinner with a quick episode of another in between. he was going to apologize. that was for sure.


iwaizumi arrived around six.

oikawa heard him come in, and turned the tv off, standing up and heading to the hallway.

iwaizumi seemed surprised to see him. "tooru..?"

"i'm sorry," oikawa whispered as he walked over to him slowly. "it was shitty of me to say that. i don't suspect you of that at all, okay? it was just the heat of the moment."

iwaizumi smiled as he held out his arms, oikawa gratefully accepting the embrace.

"look, i really want to explain, and i will. it's nothing illegal, it's nothing to do with you, okay? i just need to arrange some stuff. but i promise it's safe and that there's no need to worry."

"it's okay, hajime. you have your privacy, right?"

"i still feel bad," he mumbled as he closed his eyes, comfortable with the current embrace. "i really don't want you to think of me as a liar, or a cheater." he pulled away and took his face in his hands, looking up at him. "i don't want you to think i'm like him. i don't want to hurt you."

"hajime..." iwaizumi kissed him softly before looking up at him again.

"i honestly love you. do you believe that?"

"of course i do," oikawa smiled.

"do you trust me?"

"yes," oikawa replied, without hesitation.

"good," iwaizumi smiled.

oikawa smiled. he understood that, in that moment, iwaizumi had made it clear that he didn't care about whatever went on in the outside world; that if oikawa trusted him, he'd be okay. and oikawa did trust him.


"ahh, hajime..." oikawa panted, lying on the bed, iwaizumi's head between his thighs.

his body was red-hot as his toes curled in to the covers, one hand in iwaizumi's hair, gripping on to the dark locks. he whined loudly, trying to get more of himself in to iwaizumi's mouth desperately, but his strong hands gripped his hips firmly and pinned them to the bed without hesitation. oikawa's power was nothing compared to iwaizumi's, especially not when he was an absolute writhing mess because of his hands.

"hajime, please," he whimpered, wrapping his legs around the slightly tanned male. "so close, please." iwaizumi didn't reply — probably not a good idea with a dick in his mouth — but picked up some speed, using his hands to tease along his thighs. a string of moans escaped oikawa's mouth.

"ha... ngh, hajime, oh fuck." oikawa was definitely vocal, and iwaizumi loved it, teasing him for as long as he could. but as oikawa's words became incoherent and his moans became higher and louder, he knew that he wasn't going to last much longer.

oikawa came in his mouth, back arching as he did. he found himself panting loudly as he recovered from his orgasm.

iwaizumi crawled up to level with him, planting soft kisses all over his neck, collarbones and cheeks.

oikawa grabbed his cheeks lazily and pressed his lips against his, before sliding his hands over to his back.

"how was that?" iwaizumi whispered with a grin as he pulled back.

"great," oikawa replied, pulling him close to cuddle. "thank you, iwa-chan."

"no problem," he chuckled, relaxing next to the brunet after pulling a blanket over them. "hey, tooru?"


"i love you."

"i love you too, idiot," oikawa laughed, planting a kiss on his cheek.

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