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btw sorry i dont respond to all comments but believe me i legit love comments i get excited over any comment even if its just lol so thanks @ all my commenters ily


oikawa ran the entire way home - he had no time for the bus. seriously. ain't nobody got time for that. he ran and ran until he arrived at the complex, sweaty and exhausted but so, so excited.

"hajime!" he exclaimed as he opened the door. "hajime, where are you?!"

"in the bathroom!" his reply came. oikawa ran to the bathroom and found iwaizumi in boxers, shaving cream covering half of his lower face.

"good news, my friend yaku's boyfriend's parents own a school named nekoma high and they've been looking for a p.e. teacher for a long time and i got yaku's boyfriend's father's email address so you can contact him and get the job!" oikawa rambled excitedly.

"wait, what?"

"you can go back to teaching!" oikawa squealed.

"for real?" iwaizumi asked, wide-eyed, putting the razor down. "you mean, soon?"

"as soon as you can!" he grinned. iwaizumi ran a hand through his hair.

oikawa's face fell. "you're not happy?"

"are you kidding?" iwaizumi laughed as the realization kicked in. "this is awesome!" he grabbed oikawa and planted a long, firm kiss on his lips. "you're amazing, tooru. you saved us."

"well, all it costed was breaking up my best friend and his boyfriend's make-out session, but i me-"

"you got me that job," iwaizumi grinned. "you saved us from ever hitting rock bottom. we're gonna he fine!"

"we are!" oikawa laughed, kissing him again. he didn't care about the shaving cream on his face.


"yeah, lev really saved our lives," oikawa laughed in to the phone, leaning forwards over the kitchen counter slightly. he was talking to sugawara. "seriously, i'm just so happy. and yes, i'll buy you new apricots!"

iwaizumi smiled as he watched oikawa talk, walking up behind him and gently placing his hands on his hips and kisses on his neck.

"yes, suga, we'll get celebratory ramen," oikawa chuckled, leaning back against iwaizumi's chest. "hey, i have to go. okay? see you soon. okay, bye koushi."

iwaizumi turned the boy around as soon as he was done talking, and oikawa kissed him softly. "what's up with the love fest, mister casanova?"

"well, i was just thinking," iwaizumi said lowly, "if you're going out for celebratory dinner with sugawara, why not let us have a little celebration of our own?" he redirected his attention to oikawa's neck again, the brunet letting his head roll back, giving him complete access.

"what would that include?" he asked, breath already hitching as he ran his fingers through iwaizumi's hair.

"i think you know exactly what it includes," iwaizumi said with a husky tone, looking up at him. "or would you like to find out?"

"show me, big guy," oikawa grinned.


iwaizumi let himself lie down next to oikawa, breathing heavily, bodies sticky with sweat. he put his arm around the brunet, kissing his cheek a few times before pulling away again.

"you did so well," he whispered with a smile. "i'm proud of you."

"it's easier when it's spontaneous," oikawa chuckled, turning to him. "you make it easy. and natural. and relaxed."

"i'm just glad i could help you past that," he replied, running his fingers over oikawa's torso. "i'm glad it's all finally over. you and ushijima, the job thing, the pressure of hiding us. it's over."

oikawa gulped.

he couldn't ruin the moment. more like he wouldn't.

but he had to.

"hajime..." he bit his lip. "i didn't break it off yet."

"what?" iwaizumi asked with a frown. "why not?"

"look, he broke down, and i felt sorry for him."

iwaizumi sighed deeply, muttering "oh god" as he let himself sink back in to the mattress, rubbing his hands across his face.

"but i was scared too. because you were gone so much." oikawa took a deep breath. "i'll go tomorrow, okay? i'll do it. i promise you."

"yeah, okay," iwaizumi nodded. "i don't want to ruin the moment. but promise you'll do it tomorrow."

"i promise," he whispered, kissing iwaizumi slowly. "anything for you, hajime."


oikawa took the early train. yaku offered to come along for moral support, but he refused his offer. he needed to do this alone. and he needed to do it now.

he rung the doorbell with shaky hands ushijima opened not much later.

"oikawa," he nodded awkwardly. "how're you?"

"i'm okay," he sighed. "look, ushijima, there's something i have to do."

"i know," ushijima said, clenching his jaw, looking down at the floor. "just, save me the pain of hearing it, will you?"

"i'm sorry," he whispered. "but i have to stop us. i can't keep giving myself hope." he hesitated. "i really did love you, ushijima. thank you for all the good things you did for me. but we can't stay in contact."

ushijima choked on a sob, but held it back forcefully. "yeah. i understand. thank you for loving me, oikawa."

oikawa leaned in and kissed his cheek softly, caressing the soft skin with a smile before taking a step back.

"promise me to never do that to anyone again."

"i swear on my life," he whispered. "promise... promise me to stay happy. you deserve happiness."

oikawa's heart fell even further as he nodded. "thank you. i will." he stepped out of the door. "goodbye, wakatoshi."

"goodbye, tooru," he whispered as oikawa closed the door softly.

he made his way to the park, body shaking slightly. hold it in. hold it in. you can do it.

he sat down on a deserted bench, clenching his fists, abusively biting his lips.

"you... can do it..." he whispered to himself, stopping the tears.

the tears came anyway. and oikawa couldn't stop them. it was a mixture of fear of the new chapter, sorrow of the fact that he'd never see eighteen-year-old ushijima again and relief that he could finally get on with his life.

he had done it. it was over. there was a new chapter ahead of him. a chapter filled with a new school, new friends and a new lover.

this time, he'd be sure to make it work.

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