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to be honest i fucked this story up so bad why are yall even reading this

anyway lets just go with the angst for now imean

sighs bc i really loved this story but then i kinda messed up at one point and now its a clusterfuck and i just this idea was so good in my mind

anyway enjoy some daisuga talk w oisuga for me will ya

song tip: be together - major lazer feat. wild belle


oikawa thanked sugawara as he gave him a mug of hot chocolate to recover from the cold weather outside.

"now, spill," oikawa grinned, "how's dad?"

"hmm, oh, you mean daddy?" sugawara said lightly. oikawa gasped and squealed.

"you didn't!"

"no, i didn't," sugawara laughed. "although i should. he'd probably just walk out and leave me there laughing."

"aww, have you even had sex yet?" oikawa asked as he sat down on sugawara's bed.

"nope," he replied. "we got each other off once at his place. it's funny, really. i have to initiate everything, but he does suddenly become dominant."

"aww, he's such a hetero," oikawa laughed. "no idea how to do it with guys but still refuses to bottom."

"hmm," sugawara hummed in agreement. "totally. but that's what cute about him. he tries so hard to please me, yet very shy and nervous." he sighed contently. "he's loosening up though. it's satisfying."

"aww, that's so cute," oikawa laughed. "so proud of daichi."

"me too," suga smiled. "how's things with iwaizumi?"

"great," oikawa grinned. "after the entire sex drama, you know, what i told you about, he gave me the best make-up blowjob you could ask for."

"ooh, he's experienced?" sugawara smirked at him.

"he can't be that good first time. god, that was the best blowjob i've ever received," oikawa sighed.

"so, do you think you'll be able to have sex soon?" sugawara asked.

"dunno," oikawa shrugged. "it just needs to happen, i guess." he smiled to himself. "yesterday was relaxed. it just started from innocent kissing and ended up like that. i wasn't scared or nervous."

"you really do trust him, don't you?"

"of course," oikawa chuckled.

"so, are things off with ushijima yet?"

oikawa bit his lip.

"sort of."

"what do you mean?" sugawara asked, leaning forwards.

"well, i meant to, but-" his lip trembled. "he cried. and i couldn't."

"why not? don't you want to be together with iwaizumi?" sugawara frowned.

"i do!" oikawa said without hesitation. "i know ushijima and i will never be the same. but i just wish, deep down, that things weren't this fucking hard." he clenched his jaw. "i want to go back to the time before all of this."

"what do you mean?" sugawara asked, confused. oikawa squeezed his eyes shut.

"i want to go back to when i met him. and avoid all of this." he made a choking sound, holding back the fit that was bubbling inside of him. "i'm so done with be drama, koushi. i'm so done with everything going wrong. now iwaizumi's doing shit he can't tell me about and i'm worried, i trust him but i'm worried. and that worry won't leave me alone."

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