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song tip: why - taeyeon


the morning of christmas eve was spent excitedly packing up their belongings plus gifts iwaizumi had picked for his family members.

oikawa was beyond nervous and excited. he was anxious to meet his family, yet still slightly concerned because of yaku's words. but iwaizumi seemed so genuinely happy to have him come along, he let that slip out of his mind.

the car ride there consisted of them singing along to christmas carols in their worst possible english, laughing the entire way. it was an hour long drive, so it was nice to have entertainment between the two of them. plus, oikawa insisted that it got him in the holiday mood.

"how big is your family, actually?" oikawa asked iwaizumi as the songs switched.

"oh, my parents, plus a twenty-three year old brother and a sister your age," iwaizumi replied. "my brother's a nice guy. sister's a bit of a bitch sometimes, but i think you two might get along."

"how so?" oikawa smirked.

"you have your way with people," iwaizumi replied casually. "i think she's one of them."

"sounds like a challenge," oikawa remarked. "let's do it."


"hajime!" a woman called as they opened the car doors, someone who oikawa guessed was his mother.

"hey mom," iwaizumi grinned, walking up to her and giving her a hug. "how've you been?"

"fine, fine. but we've all missed you," she laughed, letting go. "and this must be oikawa!"

"pleased to make your acquaintance," oikawa smiled, bowing down.

"what a nice looking young man," she smiled. "please, come in. we'll go fetch your stuff."

"thanks mom," iwaizumi said, holding the door open for oikawa, who tiptoed inside nervously.

the iwaizumi residence was quite big, considering they used to house three kids, and now only one. it was clean and homely. oikawa smiled at the thought of previously having toys scattered around everywhere, belonging to iwaizumi and his siblings.

"you can stay with hajime in his old room, will that be okay? we can arrange a mattress for you, because we don't have a double bed."

"oh, iwa-chan and i will survive," oikawa replied with a smile. "thank you very much."

iwaizumi's mother, takara, smiled at the nickname. "no problem. hajime, dear?" she called out to the hallway. "could you show oikawa-kun your room?"

"sure thing," he called back, appearing in the hallway a few seconds later. he took oikawa's hand and trudged up the stairs, half dragging him along. oikawa swore he could hear iwaizumi's mom laugh to herself.

"your mother's very kind," he remarked as they stopped in front of a white door.

"she's a sweetheart," iwaizumi smiled. "anyway, this is it." he opened the door by pushing it and stepped in.

"neat," oikawa grinned as he glanced around. his room was monochrome blue, with dark wooden furniture and white detailing. it was simple — a desk, a bed and a cupboard, plus some bookshelves and a nightstand. but oikawa liked it.

it was very like hajime.

"is this okay?" iwaizumi asked cautiously. "i really can sleep on a mattress, the bed's a single one and i don't wan—"

"we sleep in the same bed at your place. so what, we'll be a little cramped. don't worry," oikawa chuckled. "i'm sure we'll be fine."

"if you say so," iwaizumi mumbled. "my dad and brother are bringing the stuff up here. we can go meet my sister."

"sounds good," oikawa replied lightly, sensing that iwaizumi was a little tense. "hey, iwa-chan, i'm gonna do my best to fit in, okay?" he bit his lip. "are you sure you're comfortable with this all?"

"i'm just a little nervous, is all," iwaizumi smiled at him. "i'm sure they'll love you as much as i do."

"cool. i'm gonna take off with your dad, by the way."

"please don't," iwaizumi laughed, taking oikawa's hand gently. "okay, let's go. i trust you."

"i trust you too, iwa-chan," oikawa grinned.

the two walked down the stairs again, greeted by the sweet scent of sugar cookies, which iwaizumi recognized, but oikawa could not identify. iwaizumi led him in to the living room. a girl was sitting on the couch lazily, taking in the entire piece of furniture, skimming through a book.

"oi, masuyo," iwaizumi commented, "put your legs down, will you?"

"onii-chan's finally back?" she asked, not looking up. "i heard you brought boy candy."

"i brought oikawa, so say hi," he retorted. the girl looked up, seemingly interested in oikawa. she took her time looking him up and down, before greeting him shortly.

"you did well, hajime. if i didn't know he was stupid enough to be into you, i'd go after him," she smirked slyly.

"absolutely hi-la-ri-ous," iwaizumi replied dramatically. "where's shouhei? i'd like to speak to the sibling that actually wants to see me."

"i don't even know if he arrived."

"my god, you really do hate us, don't you?" iwaizumi laughed. "now, move your legs or i'll sit on them." reluctantly, masuyo pulled her legs off of the couch, glaring at iwaizumi.

"only because your fat ass would break them," she warned him.

"yeah, sure," iwaizumi said, rolling his eyes before he sat down. "now, fetch me a beer."

masuyo replied by flipping him off.

oikawa watched the scene, awkwardly standing around, waiting to sit only until iwaizumi gestured for him to. he sat in a cushioned armchair, watching the siblings just, well, sit.

"so, how'd you two become a thing?" masuyo asked, still reading.

"through a friend of his, who's a colleague of mine," iwaizumi replied.

"you sure do like old guys, don'cha?"

"he's older than y—"

"let the poor boy answer," masuyo interrupted.

"i guess it's just my crowd," oikawa shrugged. "i prefer the intelligence."

"you don't seem mighty bright to me," she said bluntly. "too nervous."

"maybe because you're rudeness isn't something i'd like to associate with," oikawa retorted reflexively.

masuyo looked up to glare at him, and oikawa started blushing.

"i-i, i mean—"

"you're sitting next to me at dinner," she ordered. "i like your attitude. way more interesting than this idiot's." she attempted to flick iwaizumi's forehead, but he grabbed her wrist before she could reach him.

"don't you dare," iwaizumi smirked. masuyo groaned audibly, pulling her hand back.

oikawa didn't know much, but iwaizumi's family was, so far, surely... something else.

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