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song tip: ocean eyes - billie eilish


oikawa sat on ushijima's lap as he watched tv, calmly running his fingers through the older's hair, chests facing each other. he calmly deepened himself in exploring the elder's upper body inch by inch.

"you're transferring schools," ushijima informed him all of a sudden.

oikawa bit his lip.


"you're not going to object?"

"why should i?"

"because of sugawara. because of that filthy teacher."

"i don't need them," oikawa mused, kissing his lips softly. "i only need you."

that was how he appeased ushijima. lies. obedience. admittance.

"such a good boy," ushijima said lowly, kissing him again, hands sliding from his hips to his ass, squeezing it softly. oikawa moaned into his mouth.

he'd put on a show for him, and a good one too. he might as well, right? anything to keep him entertained.

anything to keep him away from iwa-chan.


his new school wasn't bad at all. he wore white pants and a white blazer with black details and a black button-up under it, making him look pristine and mature. not to mention, it made him look even the slightest bit tanned.

the building was large yet minimalistic, with white, black, soft blues and greys and a lot of glass everywhere. the blues and greys softened the impact of the bright white everywhere. it was aesthetically pleasing, to say the least. he wasn't surprised that ushijima had needed an insider to get in here last-minute like he did.

he entered his first class, and saw that the classes were smaller here. about fifteen students in each.

"ah, you must be oikawa tooru, correct?" the teacher asked, a man in his late twenties with brown hair that was swept to the side slightly. "i'm your teacher, ennoshita chikara. you can take your desk next to yaku-kun. yaku, raise your hand please." a short, stern looking boy raised his hand high up in the air. oikawa smiled at him cheerfully, before walking to his seat.

"would you like to introduce yourself?" ennoshita asked him. oikawa nodded and stood up at his desk.

"my name's oikawa tooru. i'm seventeen. i recently attended aoba johsai high, but transferred here due to certain complications." he bowed, before continuing, "please take care of me."

"good," ennoshita smiled. "thank you, oikawa-kun. we'll continue with the math class now." oikawa put on his glasses before getting out his textbook.

he didn't see the two smirking boys eyeing him with malicious intent.


"so, oikawa, hm..?" he looked up, surprised to find an almost pink-haired boy smirking down at the sitting brunette, a boy with thick eyebrows and messy black curls standing next to him with a similar expression.

"yes, that's me," he replied.

"i swear, you two, don't bully the new kid on his first day," yaku groaned. from the few minutes he and oikawa had spoken, oikawa had managed to deduct that he was a responsible yet tempered individual, and he had taken a liking to him rather quickly.

"we're just saying hi!" the dark-haired one responded. "i'm matsukawa issei. this meme is hanamaki takahiro. meme supreme power couple."

"planning on joining any clubs?" hanamaki asked, getting to the point.

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