[3] The Past Part 2

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I is so sorry for taking forever in writing this new chapter! But im fat and lazy and I like to play video games for a long amount of time so yea. Lol im not really fat xp. But likes anyway enjoys and comments and votes please! Xp Tank you! 

P.S. The vid is for stryker and jack! xp srry if i spoiled it. xD

Things for me seemed to get harder after that. Every time I was given a mutant I would begin to wonder what was their story, how were they captured, how scared they were of me. These questions began to cloud my judgments and I began to get into fights with Stryker more often. The fights would start off with why are the mutants here to why does this place even exist?

"It does nothing to help our country Stryker!" he chuckled.

"What the hell is so funny?"

 "Are you really beginning to feel for these things. They are nothing more than a means to an end." 

I stared back in disbelief. "They aren't things Stryker! Nor are they your personal army." 

"Explain to me what they are then Jack? Scientific miracles? The next step in human evolution? Don't kid yourself Jack, the instant they realize what they can do it will be an instant threat against all of humanity."

I rubbed my temples. "They are people Stryker like us they have the same need and feelings. Yes, they have powers, yes they can be dangerous. Hell, maybe even a threat but we need to teach them that humans aren't something to be feared. The moment we give them a reason, the moment they don't see us as equals we will be branded as the infidels of earth, that is when it'll be all out war." 

"My stance won't change Jack we were here first we have ownership of this planet, humans and I rather be prepared than on my knees to the mutts." Quiet took over us, the gravity of my role in his self-proclaimed war against mutants made me realize this was never about humans but about how he was wrong by them, by his own son being a mutant.

"Stryker, I won't be apart of this anymore. I can either teach them t control their powers, be an equal among us or I'm done. I can't be your personal torture man anymore." He looked at me, disappointment lined the wrinkles on his face.

"You can't leave, after all, I've done for you?"

I laughed, "All you've done for me? Stryker, I was better off where you found me than I am now. You know what, all you've truly done for me was shown me those who need help and I'm going to help them and make sure anything you do and everything you do is unsuccessful."

From there I finally walked away, but I didn't leave empty handed, taking a few things to help me do what I set out to do.

2 years later

"I'm pregnant." I stared at Kayla in disbelief.

"You sure? I mean you could just have a bug or somethin."  She laughed. Two years passed since I left Stryker and been given a power to see spirits, souls, and aurora, but things have been swell, well till now. 

"I'm pretty sure; I don't think morning sickness and the constant cravings for the weirdest foods is caused by a bug." I combed my blond hair ruffling up a little bit. I chuckled and sighed. 

"So you say, I'm pretty sure you aren't a doctor." I folded my arms up like a child, squeezing my eyes shut. She giggled causing me to lose my pouty face and laughing with her. 

"I will say though congratulations, but I need to know who the dad is. I mean he isn't hiding in the car is he?" 

"That's, why I came to you, help me do something."

 "Do something?" I asked curiously, with heavy concern.

"Remember when I told you that my boyfriend had worked with Stryker?" I nodded knowing why she'd now need my help. "I'm scared that the baby might be in danger and I wanted to have it as quickly as I can, so I knew that you'd be able to help find a way to make this happen."

I smiled. "You have something already?" I nodded. Her face brightened and she threw herself at me and hugged me. "I know," I said padding her back. "I'm the best big brother ever, its ok I know. But I do have one question for you."

She pulled herself off of me and said: "What is it?"

"Well with Logan in all don't you think he'd notice you being gone for awhile?" She chuckled.

"I covered my tracks no worries, told him I'd be out of state a teachers training program." I smiled and pulled her back into a hug.

"Sneaky one is."  She laughed. "Ok, you get the couch then." She gave me an incredulous look. "I'm serious."

Of course with my sisters' persuasive abilities, (or her using her gift) I got the couch while she got my bed.

Nine weeks later, a healthy young baby girl was born. She was a bit chubby but was still adorable. I had a pill that was able to shorten her pregnancy to about nine weeks but she went through hell but she was happy to call this baby she loved and cared dearly about Yuki meaning snow, and coincidentally it was snowing that July 7th morning.

The days and months after that I was left to take care of Yuki, she was just a ball of energy. Left and right playing ruff was her thing and if she got hurt she'd just shrug it off knowing how little it would affect her.  Nine when I let her go allowing Kayla hand her over to her new caretaker.  I had told her Yuki wasn't a burden but she insisted on getting someone to take care of her.

This is when I received a call from Stryker he said he had learned the errors of his ways and found someone who could take care of Yuki. "Give her the proper education a mutant would need." He said over the phone, little did I know of the lies a man could spew. 

"Don't worry the sitter will do his best to make sure Yuki is a model mutant." I gave Zero a look but careless about anything he had to say, but I should have. I had let my guard and that day I regret ever letting Yuki out my sight.


Present Day

"Team Beta have you found anything?" 

"Nothing yet sir. We will alert you if we find anything. Over and out." 

I scanned the field from my hiding spot in the tree. '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Nice I get to beat the hell out 8 guys.' I smiled twisting myself to stretch out my body. A crack in my back gave me a great argument against fighting these guys, but I needed to get my ass back into shape anyway. 

"Alright, boys keep your eyes open were in a small open area, where vulnerability is a great risk right now be on your toes." A little meadow to be specific and they were destroying all flowers that quietly swayed in the wind.

"I'm gonna kick all your asses for destroying those flowers!" I whispered. 

'Really?' Yuki would have whispered back if she was here with me.  I smiled. 

"Well, here I go. Geronimo!" 

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