[7] The Truth

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Hello all I know its been awhile but I'm i college kid now lol. Seriously so i will be busy but i will try my best to get these chapters out as fast as i can now that i have a laptop. Also i haven't proof read this chapter so hopefully y'all like it but expect this chapter to possibly be updated in the future and enjoy the awseome song! (love Ellie Goulding!!) Anyway without further ado chapter 7 enjoy. p.s. fan comment and vote but yeah 

Much loves 

Yuki! <3

 'You know sometimes I worry about you, well more for the fact of my well being, since we are in the same body. Why? Your great and amazzzzing brain power may ask is really not all that hard to see. See it starts with you being savage one day and the next you're a complete idiotic fool or just plain stupid. Either way you're still incompetent, though i did say you had an amazing brain.'

  For the past few minutes, after my outburst with Logan, it seemed that Akuma just had to make her grand entrance (ridiculing me) and hasn't stopped talking since.

 'You're not helping at all you know this right? If at all your the moron, asking for blood one moment the next your an absolute coward.'

 'Listen okay i know when my battles are even and fair and seriously i though we had it you know. You and I the badass crew but seriously those bullets weren't to be fucked around with so I gave you a test to see if you could handle it a-'

I chuckled stopping her mid sentence. 'Yeah to the head and that worked out so well didn't it?'

She fell silent."Yeah that's what I thought." I accidently muttered aloud.

"What?" EM asked confused. I kept my eyes straight ahead and ignored him. He sighed "Listen, Yuki." He stopped walking but I didn't.

  "Yuki...." Why the hell was this guy so determined to establish a relationship with me? 'He must not have gotten the message you said to him earlier love.' She chuckled now. 'Yell at him some more it worked well before didn't it?' Before I could reply Akuma appeared next to me. She was practically splitting image of me, a twin you could say, but she was pale and her hair was black, pupils black, nails black and her clothes I'm pretty sure you can guess. She literally screamed goth but who was I to complain? She was my companion of sorts; two souls trapped in one body, mine. I stopped to look at her but instead I saw the EM. She disappeared I thought to myself. 'Fuck, you're a real ass.' She laughed,' Never would've guessed it.' I rolled my eyes and now faced the EM so he had my full attention.

 "What...?" I gestured for him to tell me his name once more. With all that's happened I'm surprised I remembered my own name. He looked at me and scoffed.

"Your one hell of a kid you know that?" He hesitated, as if he had something to tell me, then again that would make sense he did call my name and even before that he tried to get to know me. 'Tell tale sign of a man with something big to say.'

"Logan," He finally said and continued on as he walked closer to me. "and I ha-" He was cut off with a man's scream. I immediately snapped my head towards the house. Weren't too far from it and that scream was from Uncle and he was clearly in distress. I didnt think i just ran pass the tree line and towards the farm like house.

I could clearly hear as I ran "VICTOR DONT-!" and within seconds of hearing this Uncle was flying out the second story window. Everything slowed down, I saw Uncle falling but instead of closing his eyes and bracing for impact, he was focused on the window he came flying out of. As if what was in front of the window was to be more feared than the fact of him hitting the ground. I took a deep breath and felt myself vibrate and then instead of being yards away from him I was only a few inches under him. I could never understand how I could do this but Akuma would clam responsibility for this power of teleportation. I didn't care at that moment, the I only thing I cared for was one family member that existed and was there for me no matter what happened or how destructive I got. Unlike my mother, but that's a different story and saved for another time.

I caught him, but his force or the force that threw him out the window was so great that instead of me catching him in the cradle position he slammed right in to me sending my back straight in to the dusty and dirty road. This created a man made crater and I was at the center. At first I couldn't move I felt as if I was Atlas holding the world on my chest instead of my back. I took a deep breath and that was my first mistake because immediately I felt a warm hot liquid rise up from my throat.

I shoved Uncle off of me and coughed up the blood and at about this time Logan finally arrived.

 "Jimmy! I've missed you how long ago was it now? Since I've kicked your ass hmm?" A evil chuckle followed the man's sentence.

"Victor." Logan growled. I looked up from my bloody puddle to see a man about the same height as Logan maybe a bit taller jump from the window uncle came out of. 'My room.' I thought myself, what the hell was going on here? What is this bullshit?' I could feel my rage growing , till I heard Uncle groan. I turned my head to see he was lifting his body from the crater as well. He turned over and looked at me then to the man called Victor and his emotion changed to bravery. He scrambled out of the crater and in front of Logan.  

Victor stopped midway and grinned then looked to me. "Feisty isn't he? Has he told you the secret yet?"

"Victor don't." Uncle said "Should it matter who its told from?" Logan said. Uncle looked at him but Logan never broke his eye contact with Victor. "Yes. You of all people should understand this." Logan grimaced and then turned to me.

His hand reached out for me but instead of taking it I helped myself out of the crater. Victor chuckled then with a grin. "You're so hard headed Like Father like daughter. Isn't that the way the saying goes?"  I stood straight up and stared at Victor. It only took a second, I looked over to Logan and he looked right back at me, a fire burning in his eyes.

"Your my father?"

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