[6] Memories

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(This is a rough draft so to say to it might not be amazing but here you are chapter 6! Enjoy 

Much Love,


The foolish seek happiness in the distance, but the wise grows it under their feet.-James Oppenheim

       Memories, sometimes I wonder if they can ever help me find my own happiness; seems like they never do. Pain and sorrow of the once was, is all I can really ever find in them. Funny thing is happiness came and left with him. The one thing that will always be true in my memories, I will always miss him and that I was the reason that they came for him, the reason why he came for me, and the reason why I was able to find my true happiness.

The Past is a Doorway to the interworking of you, the problem is do you have the power to close that door for your own safety?-Yuki

   I opened my eyes to find myself brightly lit room fully furnished yet something was off. The plain white paint and brown carpet seemed to create an aura of a lifeless room. I immediately sat up to see the curtains drawn back and the sun’s rays brightly shining into the room. Though the room seemed empty and dead, I knew it was mine and I knew this was before him. I jumped out the bed and ran down stairs. I luckily made it down without tripping, which was a miracle, knowing my track record. I looked around and saw the house looked the same. Peach covered all the walls, small imprints of light brown curved some of the walls others were unfinished and needed another coat for their true color and beauty to shine. I turned away from the door to see Uncle, but a much younger version, sipping tea while reading the town’s daily newspaper.

    He turned, looked at me and said “Everything ok?” His hair was up and spiky, he had signs of a beard growing in as well as a mustache with small stubbles appearing here and there. His face seemed a bit drained and pale, not his normal Caucasian look. 

   “Hello earth to Yuki, come-in, over” He said as he waved his free hand as he put the paper down.

   I laughed a little “Yea, I’m good just a little off. Sorry.” He gave me a bit of a look and stood.

  “Well then we better be off, that forest can’t patrol its self now!” He said with a weak smile and then sneezed.  I immediately gave him a look and then shook my head.

“Aw Yuki, come on I’m fine it’s just just aaahh-chooo!” He tried to explain but it was futile. I pointed to the radio and then motioned for him to get and stay there. He looked at me and gave me his infamous puppy dog look. “No.” I replied with my bottom lip puckered up. He sighed in defeat and dejectedly slumped over to the comm-link radio.

He sniffled and said “I’ll be here-alone!-if you need me.” With that plopped down on the chair.

I chuckled and turned towards the door. As I reached for the handle and simultaneously blinked, I opened my eyes to see I was no longer in the house. I was in the forest, breathing heavily. “What the hell?”

‘Now see my dear you’d be dead by now.’ I felt the MP5’s barrel touching the back of my head but I felt no fear. I laughed, “You made a grave mistake, mindreader. You should have never gotten this close to me.” I turned around just as the gun went off and jerked the submachine gun away from him to point it at him.  He stood at 5’7 and blond hair cascading across his eyes but not enough to cover the stare of his dimmed orange red eyes. He put his hands up, “You got me. Nice.” He cooed. ‘His eyes…their...-’

“My eyes are what Yuki, magnificent, breath-taking, amazing?”  I laughed. “Nope, just the reminded me to head to the store I might need some you know what for this month.” The boy’s face scrunched up in horror as if he knew what I meant. I laughed then shoved the barrel of the gun in his face.

“In all seriousness, how the hell do you know my name??” He grinned, “The locals talked about you a lot in the bar. Calling you a demon or devil, I could barely understand their slurs. So I decided I needed to see this demon-devil for myself and brought a gun just in case.” I gave him they eye and then asked “What’s your name?” He smiled and reached his hand out to shake mine and said “Chad, Chad Monygo.” I knew his story reeked of lies but I wanted to know more about Chad and why he took so much interest in me, so instead of killing him on the spot I took him in and learned the hard way that everything and anything that gave me joy came at a price.

Why do I say this? You ask. This was the man who I came to love. He showed me so many things I never knew existed and gave me a reason to live, to enjoy what I had, and to never treat the world as just something to live in but to appreciate every minute of this world. But once he was taken…once he was… I could still hear the bullet.

I woke again to voices, I was in a tent. “So this is what you’ve been doing?!? Sleeping with the target?” “It’s not like that and lower your voice you’ll wake her.” The other man chuckled, “Stryker will be disappointed in you Chad and you know it.” That voice I knew I heard it before but a long time ago. “Listen, Zero, I’m done. No more I’m going to tell her the truth and-” “And what Chad? Tell her that that day you me-“ I had enough, I came out the tent to see that I was no longer in the tent. I was next to Chad and in slow motion I saw Zero raise his gun. “You are of no use to us anymore Chad.” I turned my head to see the bullet enter his abdomen. BANG!


I sat up I was in the forest again and everything was just a memory. I ran my hand against the front of my face and when I reached my hair, I clutched it. I was just about to break down when I heard someone calling my name, “Yuki?!?” I looked over to see the EM in a new set of clothing and smelling of soap. I chuckled. He reached me and saw my face smeared with blood and mud.

“Jesus, we need to get you to the farm. Come-” I shoved him off.

“I got it.” I rubbed my face to what I assumed was clean and headed off.

The EM tried to make conversation with me along the way, asking if I was ok, if I wanted to tell him what happened, and why Zero would even come after me and my Uncle.

I stopped and looked at him. He had gotten on my last nerves. I knew he was just trying to help but I didn’t want it or need it so I snapped. “You need to learn to keep to yourself! I will be fine, k?! I don’t need you to worry about me.  Once tomorrow comes you will be gone and I will be alone with Uncle so keep your god damn concern to yourself, I like I said I don’t need it!” I was breathing heavy after my outburst. I shook my head and kept going, not bothering to see if the EM was following. I rubbed my face and thought needed to learn self-control or else it would be the death of me.



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